For Alumni
Friends of Saarbrücken Computer Science

This association can be seen as the nucleus of a network of all the “Friends of Saarbrücken Computer Science” (FDSI). It is the alumni association of Saarbrücken computer scientists and the contact point for everyone who wishes to support Saarbrücken computer science, whether materially or otherwise. The association complements the work of the Competence Center Computer Science Saarland with the capabilities of an association organized under private law.
Each year, the association awards the Günter Hotz Medal to the best graduates of Saarbrücken Computer Science. In addition, it organizes regular presentations on the topic “Saarbrücken Computer Scientists in Practice”.
Alumni Yearbook
The Alumni Yearbook on the Web cannot and does not intend to be an “up-to-the-minute community”, but instead exactly what its name says: the Association of Friends of Saarbrücken Computer Science wishes to provide the opportunity for those actively or formerly at the university to get to know each other and reach out to one another. For this reason, it is best if participants do not limit themselves to a “minimal entry” with only their name and time present at the university, but also provide further information. More on this can be found on the Alumni Yearbook site.
Search for Saarbrücken Computer Science Alumni
Are you looking for a graduate from Saarbrücken Computer Science? Maybe we can help you: at the Library, Information and Documentation of the Computer Science Department we have collected all the freely searchable data on the theses available there.
If you wish to contact someone who is on the list, send us an e-mail (fdsi at If we have a contact address, we will be glad to forward your message. If you would like to reach former classmates, please use the Alumni Network.
Saarbrücken Computer Scientists on “XING”
The “Saarbrücken Computer Science” group on the XING social network is meant to provide an open information exchange among students, scientists, faculty, sponsors, and alumni of the Competence Center on Computer Science of Saarland University. Therefore, both the Association of Friends of Saarbrücken Computer Science and the Friends of the Computer Science Students Representative Council participate actively in this XING group.
In particular, this constitutes the “official” forum for students and alumni.
We would be delighted to see lively participation in the forums of this group, whether you would like to introduce yourself, offer a job or announce events of interest for computer scientists.