Formal Methods
Brief overview of the research field
To be “quite sure” is the goal of this research area. Does the sensor detect the impact early enough, so that the airbag has enough time to deploy and save the driver’s life? Researchers want to be able to answer such questions for complex software in all application areas. Their secret weapons: mathematical logic and probabilities.
In Saarbrücken this research field of theoretical computer science is particularly well represented in the entire computer science department, as well as in the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, with numerous professorial chairs and junior research groups.
Professors in this field

Prof. Dr. Markus Bläser
Professor, Saarland UniversityComputational Complexity

Prof. Dr. Karl Bringmann
Professor, Saarland UniversityAlgorithms and Complexity

Prof. Dr. Derek Dreyer
Scientific Director and Professor, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI SWS)Foundations of Programming

Prof. Dr. Bernd Finkbeiner
Professor, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information SecurityReactive Systems

Prof. Dr. Holger Hermanns
Professor, Saarland UniversityDependable Systems and Software

Prof. Dr. Jörg Hoffmann
Professor, Saarland UniversityFoundations of Artificial Intelligence

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Kurt Mehlhorn
Seniorprofessor and Professor, Saarland UniversityAlgorithms and Complexity

Prof. Dr. Peter Ochs
Professor, Department of Computer ScienceMathematics and Computer Science

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang J. Paul
Emeritus and Professor, Saarland UniversityComputer Architecture and Parallel Computing

Prof. Dr. Jan Reineke
Professor, Saarland UniversityReal-Time and Embedded Systems

Prof. Dr. Gert Smolka
Professor, Saarland UniversityProgramming Systems

Prof. Dr. Christoph Weidenbach
Professor, Max Planck Institute for Informatics (MPI INF)Automation of Logic
Junior faculty in this field

Dr. Maria Christakis
Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI SWS)Programming Languages & Verification

Dr. Eva Darulová
Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI SWS)Programming Languages, Software Verification, Approximate Computing

Dr. Andreas Karrenbauer
Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Informatics (MPI INF)Combinatorial Optimization

Dr. Christoph Lenzen
Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Informatics (MPI INF)Theory of Distributed and Embedded Systems

PD Dr. Thomas Sturm
Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Informatics (MPI INF)Automated Reasoning and Nonlinear Arithmetic