Services and Support

Whether you have difficulties with a lecture, struggles with the bureaucracy, health restrictions or private problems – here nobody is left without help! The university offers many contact points to provide individual, personal support.

Study Coordination

The study coordination of Computer Science gives advice to students on study and examination issues:

  • organizing the studies (e.g. questions regarding examination and study regulations, examination registration, change of degree programme, progress control, etc.)
  • problems during the studies (subject-related, personal or health-related)

and is the contact for

  • planning semesters abroad (Erasmus+)
  • the recognition of external study achievements
Study Coordination
+49 681 302-58092
Saarland Informatics Campus E1 3, R.207-209
66123 Saarbrücken
Image of Study Coordination

Students’ Representative Council

During your studies, the annually elected student council acts as a contact point for all your questions and represents your interests to all university and non-university committees. In addition, study-related and cultural events are organized on a regular basis. Final theses can also be printed and bound at a reduced price, and much more.

Support for the start of studies

Introductory course: This informative course takes place within the first four weeks of the semester. The location and time are given in the course directory. For the teacher training program there is an additional introductory course, which is also listed in the course directory.

The Computer Science Students' Representative Council
+49 681 302-4389
Saarland Informatics Campus E1 3, R.109
66123 Saarbrücken
Image of The Computer Science Students

Mathematics Preliminary Course

The pre-course in mathematics is an additional offer to prepare for a study related to computer science. The pre-course teaches mathematical basics of computer science, which are mostly not covered in school, but facilitate a successful start into the studies. In addition, we organize various activities to get to know the study, the university, and future fellow students.

Honors Program

The Honors Program supports particularly talented and motivated students by providing them with particularly intensive support during their scientific education.

What is the Honors Program?

The goal of the honors program is to support gifted and motivated students to:

  • achieve excellent results
  • ensure quick progress in their studies
  • create a community among the best students in a class
How can I enter?
  • Students are admitted to the honors program after the first or second semester of their BSc studies upon recommendation of a professor of the department primarily based on excellent performance in our courses. The final decision on acceptance is made by the chairperson of the honors program.
  • Students can also apply for the honors program independently. To apply you need to send the following documents to the above mail address in one PDF:
    1. A copy of your high-school diploma
    2. A current transcript of records
    3. An application letter containing information on what courses have you taken, what you are interested in, why do you want to enter the honors program.
What do we offer?
  • Each member of the honors program is assigned one professor of the department as a personal mentor. The mentor will regularly meet with you (mostly at the beginning of the old semester) and discuss your current performance and your current study plan with you.
  • There will be regular social events among all honors program members to foster a community among all students in the honors program.
What we expect
  • Members should achieve excellent grades in their studies and demonstrate quick progress towards their degree. The performance is regularly monitored and students can be expelled from the program.
  • Each member must achieve at least 4 CP by tutoring an exercise group in one of our courses during their membership in the program.
  • The student has to contact their mentor (ideally one week before the semester starts) to coordinate a meeting with the mentor.
  • At the end of each semester we expect a semester report (about two pages) that contains a record of all achievements of that semester. The reports have to be in four weeks before the start of the new lecture period and have to be sent to the honors program (mail address above) and in CC to the mentor.
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hack
Compiler Design
+49 681 302-58092
Saarland Informatics Campus E1 3, R.408
66123 Saarbücken
Image of Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hack

Mentoring Program

In the mentor program at Saarland University, experienced students help you with valuable tips on starting your studies. The mentors are available as personal contact persons and support you with your initial orientation on campus, with all questions concerning your studies and university life. In mentor meetings or campus tours, you will get to know fellow students and can exchange ideas with your mentor.

Mentoring Program
+49 681 302-3513
Image of Mentoring Program


The AStA Office for International Advice & Family is the contact point for international students with questions about studying, as well as for students with families.

Hana Itani
International Consulting & Family
+49 681 302-4589
Campus A52
66123 Saarbücken
Image of Hana Itani

Financing your studies and finding a place to live

If you’re planning to study at Saarland University or even if you’ve already begun, we’re here to help you. We can provide advice and information that will make it easier for you to transition from school to university, and we’ll assist you in planning and organizing your studies and help you to study effectively.

Study Financing
Central Student Advisory Service
+49 681 302-3513
Campus A4 4
66123 Saarbrücken
Image of Central Student Advisory Service

Student Union and Psychological and Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center

The Studentenwerk im Saarland e.V. takes care of the well-being of students on many levels. In addition to running the dining hall (Mensa) and a child-care center, assistance is offered for finding housing and financing of studies.

The Psychological and Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center is also located there and offers, among other things, courses for coping with personal crises, writer’s block, or test anxiety.

Office of the Student Union (Studentenwerk)
+49 681 302-2800
Campus D4 1
66123 Saarbrücken
Image of Office of the Student Union (Studentenwerk)

Equal Opportunity Office

The university’s Equal Opportunity Office is concerned with all questions regarding equality of men and women at Saarland University, and is the umbrella organization for the Coordination Office on Gender Equality in MINT.

Not only is gender equality at the forefront, but also balancing studies and work with family life, as well as assistance regarding disadvantages of an economic or health-related nature.

Advice is offered regarding career planning, work–life balance programs, the gender consulting service, and much more. In addition, it is the central contact and counseling center, in the case of discrimination or harassment. For female students, employees and researchers, there are special services for support and networking.

Dr. Sybille Jung
Equal Opportunity Commissioner
+49 681 302-4795
Campus C3 1
66123 Saarbrücken
Image of Dr. Sybille Jung


The fact that the lectures in the computer science master’s degree programs are held in English should not deter anyone. With regard to foreign languages, people are well looked after in Saarbrücken.

Along with multiple smaller course providers, the Language Center offers courses in several languages at various levels. It organizes “Sprachstammtische” (“regulars’ tables” where you can practice a language) and the so-called “Sprachtag” – a program in which two people with different mother tongues can directly benefit from each other. Conversely, the Studienkolleg offers German courses for foreigners.

Language Center
+49 681 302-5432
Campus C5 4, R.320
66123 Saarland
Image of Language Center

International Students

You come from abroad? Here we are happy to help you: The ZIS, the International Office and the Welcome Center are starting points for international students and researchers, or Germans who wish to study abroad.

They can be helpful, in particular, for matters relating to administrative procedures, visa applications, German language courses, housing searches, or exchange and scholarship programs. In addition, excursions and regular meetings are offered, to help make connections quickly.

Support for international bachelor students

We offer a buddy program for our new international BSc students. Upon acceptance to this program, you’ll be assigned a buddy (a more senior fellow student) who will welcome you in Saarbrücken and help you find your way around Saarbrücken and the university.

Beate Meinck
Coordination (ZiS)
+49 681 302-71113
Campus A4 4, R.240
66123 Saarbrücken
Image of Beate Meinck

Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management Unit

The unit devises proposals for strategies, instruments and practical methods toward the realization of equal opportunity, diversity, and family-friendliness at Saarland University. Moreover, the unit develops possible approaches to specific issues for the Presidium, which can then be implemented in coordination with the various actors.
The Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management Unit (CDM) includes the Family Office (audit familiengerechte hochschule), the Contact Point for Studying with Disabilities (KSB) and the project Diversity@UdS.

Contact Point for Students with Disabilities (KSB)

The KSB supports students with disabilities or chronic illnesses in all aspects of their studies. Teaching and administrative staff can also obtain advice on how to meet special needs of students.

Along with general measures regarding accessibility on campus, there are various networking opportunities and an assistance exchange. As a part of the Equal Opportunity Office, the KSB also has the goal to further increase diversity on campus.


Family-oriented University
Since 2004, Saarland University has been certified as a “family-oriented university”: the “audit” is specifically dedicated to the compatibility of work or studies with family life.

In addition to providing advice on topics such as pregnancy, career re-entry, studying while caring for children, or part-time study, this also includes assistance with the care of relatives.

The campus offers two day-care centers as well as several nursing, baby-changing, relaxation, and parent-and-child rooms. The “audit” also runs an online babysitter exchange, and provides holiday care for children from primary school age.


Workgroup Against Racism

The Workgroup Against Racism advocates for the right to a discrimination-free study experience as well as discrimination-free professional academic work at Saarland University. The working group seeks to provide momentum for the organization of advice and contact points targeting all forms of discrimination, so that the university can work effectively toward a non-discriminatory environment.


Reasonable Accommodations

Students with long-term health impairments can apply for a reasonable accommodations (German: Nachteilsausgleich/NTA). This includes recognized disabilities as well as chronic and psychological illnesses. The NTA aims to ensure equal participation in studies and to avoid discrimination. The NTA is tailored individually and situationally to the specific impairments.

The Contact Point for Studying with Disability (KSB) advises and supports students in the application process and provides a written statement upon request. The Study Coordination of the Computer Science department coordinates the procedure in the computer science department and serves as a point of contact for students.

More information about NTA


Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management Unit
audit family-friendly university | The Contact Point for Studying with Disability | Diversity@UdS
+49 681 302-5025
Campus A44, R.106
66123 Saarbücken
Image of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management Unit