Security and Cryptography
Brief overview of the research field
The issue of security plays a particularly important role in an increasingly interconnected world. Whether it’s the protection of privacy on mobile phones, the risk of identity theft in online banking or social networks, malicious access to the on-board computer in a car, or defense against coordinated hacking attacks on relevant infrastructure – these problems affect everyone and are ubiquitous. To tackle these and other questions requires a great deal of creativity and an ability to see things from the point of view of the attacker, in order to recognize and address weaknesses.
Since 2014, a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity has been offered in Saarbrücken. With CISPA, a research institute specific to this field was founded. Research in this area is also carried out at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems and the Department of Computer Science.
Professors in this field

Junior faculty in this field