
Brief overview of the research field

Stochastics is a branch of mathematics that brings together the areas of probability theory and mathematical statistics. It deals with the mathematical modeling of chance events and their analysis, and therefore finds applications in practically all empirical disciplines.
The determination of insurance premiums, portfolio analyses in banking, statistical quality control, optimal transport plans in logistics, models for the spread of computer viruses, the analysis of randomized algorithms, epidemiological models, and the statistical evaluation of clinical studies are just a few examples. Stochastic aspects are becoming increasingly important in the area of machine learning as well.
In Saarbrücken stochastics is currently represented primarily in the Department of Mathematics, but stochastic methods are also researched and applied in the Department of Computer Science.

Professors in this field

Image of Verena Wolf
Prof. Dr. Verena Wolf
Professor, Saarland University
Modeling and Simulation
Saarland University
Saarland Informatics Campus
E1 3, R. 303
66123 Saarbrücken
+49 681 302-5586

Junior faculty in this field