Advertisement of the Saarland Informatics Campus honored with the ZEIT Career Award
The weekly magazine DIE ZEIT presented the “ZEIT Karriere Award” for the fourth time in a row on October 18 in Berlin. An advertisement of the Saarland Informatics Campus is one of the winners. Together with its print and online job markets the magazine honors both job advertisements and image ads, i.e. advertisements that express emotions in a special way towards a product, a brand or a company.
“This is a wonderful thing for the visibility of the Saarland Informatics Campus,” explains Michelle Carnell, CEO of the Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science, explaining the significance of the award.
A renowned jury had selected the image advertisement for Saarbrücken computer science, and four other advertisements, from submissions. The jury said: “The 360-degree image is a real eye-catcher – and its mysterious ambience does not dissolve at second glance. Here it seems to stand apart from the ordinary. Shape your future – OK, my place to be: One feels invited to explore this Saarland universe and will probably head for the homepage. The wording is short and well calculated – to the point.”
From the five candidates, everyone could then vote online for a favorite ad. The advertisement for the Saarland Informatics Campus received the most votes.
For years, the graduate school has been working with the Von Humboldt agency to develop a visual language for the Graduate School and the Saarland Informatics Campus; so also with the award-winning advertisement. In the summer of 2017, the graduate school had asked all computer science institutes to design and publish a joint advertisement in the magazine “ZEIT Germany”, an initiative of the weekly magazine and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), in order to make Saarbrücken known to an international target group as a location for computer science. The result has now received the ZEIT Career Award. “I am very pleased that this first joint advertising effort was crowned with such success,” says Carnell. Questions can be directed to:
Dr. Michelle Carnell
Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science
Saarland Informatics Campus E1.3
Saarland University
Phone: +49(0)681 / 302-5523
E-mail: carnell(at)
Gordon Bolduan
Competence Center Computer Science Saarland
Saarland Informatics Campus E1.7
Universität des Saarlandes
Tel. 0681/302-70741
Note for radio journalists: You can conduct studio-quality telephone interviews with Saarland University researchers via broadcast codec (IP connection with direct dialing or via ARD star point 106813020001). Please send interview requests to the press office (0681 302-2601).
Die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit am Saarland Informatics Campus wird unterstützt durch das Kompetenzzentrum Informatik Saarland, gefördert aus Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) und Mitteln der Staatskanzlei Saarland.