“Jugend forscht” as a guest at the Saarland Informatics Campus

Bild der Pressemitteilung

Participants of the training course at the Saarland Informatics Campus. Photo: SIC/Philipp Zapf-Schramm

On 16th and 17th June, the Saarland Informatics Campus, in cooperation with the Jugend forscht e.V. foundation, is organising a training event for project-accompanying teachers of “Jugend forscht”. During the two-day qualification programme entitled “Awaken curiosity – experience STEM with Jugend forscht and extracurricular places of learning”, more than 30 teachers from all over Germany will be visiting the campus of Saarland University, learning about current research topics in computer science and visiting the computer science school laboratory.

Professor Jürgen Steimle, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at Saar University, says: “We are very pleased about the cooperation with ‘Jugend forscht’ and the opportunity to present our unique research location to teachers from all over Germany. After all, promoting the next generation of scientists is one of our core endeavours and we are happy to take this opportunity to bring computer science topics into schools.”

Computer science professor Verena Wolf will open the event on 16th June with a talk about the Saarland Informatics Campus. Professor Jürgen Steimle will then present the research field of human-machine interaction and explain how operating computers could look like in the future. Afterwards, Maurice Rekrut, group leader at the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, will present the research field of brain-computer interfaces and show how a computer can be controlled using only the power of thought. As part of the workshop programme organised by “Jugend forscht” on 17 June, Kerstin Reese and Lukas Wachter from the school laboratory of Saarbrücken Informatics, “InfoLab Saar”, will give an introduction to 3D printing and show how the technology can be used in school lessons, or to carry out projects in the “Jugend forscht” competition.

The Saarbrücken Computer Science Department is basically very committed to the training and further education of teachers in the field of computer science. In addition to several computer science teaching degree programmes, there are various events aimed specifically at teachers, such as the Ursula-Hill Samelson Teacher Award of Saarbrücken Computer Science, the annual “Day of Computer Science Teaching”, or the qualification measure in computer science, in which already active teachers can acquire a teaching qualification for the subject of computer science at secondary level 1 in light of the upcoming introduction of the compulsory subject of computer science.


Background Saarland Informatics Campus:
900 scientists (including 400 PhD students) and about 2500 students from more than 80 nations make the Saarland Informatics Campus (SIC) one of the leading locations for computer science in Germany and Europe. Four world-renowned research institutes, namely the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, the Center for Bioinformatics as well as Saarland University with three departments and 24 degree programs cover the entire spectrum of computer science.


Philipp Zapf-Schramm
Competence Center Computer Science
Saarland Informatics Campus
Phone: +49 681 302-70741
E-Mail: pzapf@mmci.uni-saarland.de