Bild von Studierenden in Hörsaal mit Überschrift "See you online!"

Welcome to the Saarland Informatics Campus

On April 1st, the summer semester 2025 at Saarland University starts. Courses begin on April 7th.

New at Saarland Informatics Campus?

Starting your studies can be quite exciting. Finding your way around after enrollment is not always easy: To make it easier for you, you will find all the important steps on your way to us here - from enrollment to the start of the semester. The study coordinators, the student council and students from higher semesters are always happy to help you get started and are always open to questions and personal concerns.

1. User account information

First of all, you need your university ID to get in touch with us, or other first year students.

2. Get to know fellow students

On the Discord-Server of the CS Students' Representative Council you can get to know your fellow students and exchange ideas with students of higher semesters - even before you have your admission! Whether you want to prepare for your studies, learn together, play, make music or just have a chat - we are here for you!​

3. Follow us on Social Media

In order to be always up to date and not to miss anything, we regularly provide you with information about the campus on our social media channels.


4. Enroll: Maths Prep Course and StEP

Every year, students from higher semesters organize the Maths Prep Course, and the the Student Council organizes the Student Introduction Period, StEP for short. Together, they help new students of computer science and related courses to get started in their studies. Highly recommended!

5. Access to E-Mail, WLAN and VPN

This page of the University IT Center explains how to set up your personal access.
German Website

6. Study organisation

Here you will find all the information you need to start your first semester successfully.
From pre-courses to timetable creation or even tips on student financing and the mentor programs, you will find the information here:
Study organisation

7. Download the Uni-App

You need a campus map or want to know what you can eat in the cafeteria? The university app offers you that and much more.

Download: At the moment the android app is being reworked.
Download: AppStore

8. Information about your semester

Finally, you should take a look at our page with information about the current semester. Here you will find all welcome events / kick-off events but also introduction videos for the offered courses.
Welcome at Saarland Informatics Campus!


Welcome events for the summer semester 2025/26

No matter whether you’re a first year student or an experienced student: A new semester is always the beginning of something unknown and hence filled with anticipation, expectation and excitement. It is therefore important to the partners at SIC to extend a warm welcome to all students of computer science at our location.

Info day for all first-year students
On April 1, there will be an information day for first-year students in the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs Computer Science, Cybersecurity, DSAI, Embedded Systems, Media Informatics and Visual Computing. You can also get to know the team and your fellow students over coffee and cookies at the Computer Science study coordination stand.
Time: Tuesday, 01.04.2025, Building E1 3

Meet-up with the study coordinator
Tips from the study coordination team
– for Bachelor’s students on the Computer Science, Cybersecurity and Data Science and Artificial Intelligence degree programs
Time: Tuesday, 01.04.2025, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m., Building E1 3, Lecture Hall 002.
– for Master’s students of the degree programs Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Embedded Systems, Media Informatics and Visual Computing
Time: Tuesday, 01.04.2025, 12:00 – 13:00, Building E1 3, Lecture Hall 002.

StEP: Study introduction phase for all first-year students
For all first-year students, the Student Council organizes orientation events with all the important information about studying and student life from students for students. Further information for StEP events: StEP 2025
Time: Wednesday, 02.04.2025 to Friday, 04.04.2025

Welcome event of the Computer Science department
By and with your professors with news about the current semester: for all students from the second semester onwards
Time: Monday, 07.04.2025, 10:00 a.m., Günter-Hotz lecture hall

Program-specific welcome events:

B.Sc. Computer Science (English): Tuesday, 01.04.2025, 11:00 – 11:30, Building E1 3 – HS002

B.Sc. Cybersecurity (English): Tuesday, 01.04.2025, 11:00 – 12:00, Building E1 3 – HS001

B.Sc. Data Science and Artificial Intelligence: Tuesday, 01.04.2025, 11:30 – 12:00, Building E1 3 – HS002

M.Sc. Computer Science: Tuesday, 01.04.2025, 13:00 – 14:00, Building E1 3 – HS002

M.Sc. Cybersecurity: Tuesday, 01.04.2025, 13:00 – 14:00, Building E1 3 – HS001

M.Sc. Data Science and Artificial Intelligence: Tuesday, 01.04.2025, 14:00 – 15:00, Building E1 3 – HS002

M.Sc. Embedded Systems: Tuesday, 01.04.2025, 13:00 – 14:00, Building E1 3 – HS003

M.Sc. Media Informatics: Tuesday, 01.04.2025, 14:00 – 15:00, Building E1 3 – HS001

M.Sc. Visual Computing: Tuesday, 01.04.2025, 13:00 – 14:00, Building E1 E – 4.07 

*Info based on Saarland University’s LSF-Portal

Study Scheduler

From us to you: With the Study Scheduler you can easily create your schedule for each semester.

You are very welcome to follow our channels on FacebookInstagram, LinkedIn and Twitter, where we will keep you informed about the latest events at SIC. Please also regularly check the information pages of Saarland University.

Videokonferenz von 9 Personen mit SIC-Hintergrundbildern

Deadlines and important dates

  • Lectures for the summer semester 2024 begin on 14 October 2024 and will end on 07 February 2025.
  • If you have questions please directly contact the Studierendensekretariat or Welcome Center (English).

Regulations regarding teaching and studying

For regular updates please also check the websites of the courses you are attending.

Digital reference collection

The Campus Library for Computer Science + Mathematics provides a digital reference collection where you can find all the literature you need for your courses. You can download many of them as e-books.


If you have any questions, please always check the information and related websites listed above first. If you do not find answers to your questions there, please contact the study coordinators by e-mail (

+49 681 302-58092
Saarland Informatics Campus E1 3, R.207-209
66123 Saarbrücken
Bild von Studienkoordination