Professor Wahlster among the 500 most important German-speaking intellectuals
For the sixth time, the magazine “Cicero” has chosen the top 500 of all German-speaking intellectuals. This time, it also includes Professor Wolfgang Wahlster, who taught computer science at Saarland University until the end of 2018 and headed the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) as its technical and scientific director until the end of January. He is ranked 364th.
“The Cicero list reflects the intellectual influence of German-speaking intellectuals,” explains the magazine on its website. It reflects their public power of interpretation, but does not measure the quality of content. The editorial staff further informs us that the survey reflects the past ten years and is based on presence in the 160 most important German-language newspapers and magazines, mentions on the Internet and hits in the scientific literature search Google Scholar. “And fourthly, cross-references in the Munzinger biographical archive reflect the importance of intellectuals in networking,” the magazine says. Politicians were not considered. /gb
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