In the Visualization Center of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
Campus Building D3.2
66123 Saarbrücken
Neural networks are experiencing an impressive comeback. Under the term “Deep Learning” they are being regarded as a new star in the sky of artificial intelligence, which can make cars safer, smartphones smarter, and social networks cleaner. Not only firms like Google and Facebook, but also others such as John Deere and Lufthansa rely on them.
What lies behind this technically? Have neural networks now come to stay? Is artificial intelligence now possible for everyone and only a question of effort, not of cost and computing power?
These and other questions are answered by two selected experts from the area of Saarbrücken Computer Science at the 9th IT Theme Night of, Competence Center Computer Science Saarland, KWT and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI).
On behalf of the DFKI, Damian Borth leads the Competence Center “Deep Learning” in Kaiserslautern, while Mario Fritz uses the novel neural networks in his research projects at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics on the Saarland University campus.
Program on 21.06.2016:
Welcome and Moderation: Jens Krück, Knowledge and Technology Transfer Liaison Office (KWT) at Saarland University
18:40 :
Deep Learning for Visual Learning and Sentiment Analysis: Dr. Damian Borth, German Research Center for Artificial Intellligence GmbH
Deep Learning for Automatic Image and Speech Understanding: Dr. Mario Fritz, Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Drinks and networking to follow