Forschungsgruppen des Saarland Informatics Campus
- Agents and Simulated Reality (Prof. Dr. Philipp Slusallek)
- Algebraic Geometry and Computer Algebra (Prof. Dr. Frank-Olaf Schreyer)
- Algorithmic Bioinformatics (Prof. Dr. Sven Rahmann)
- Algorithmic Foundations and Cryptography (Prof. Dr. Antoine Joux)
- Algorithms and Complexity (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Kurt Mehlhorn)
- Algorithms and Complexity (Prof. Ph.D. Danupon Nanongkai)
- Arithmetic Reasoning (PD Dr. Thomas Sturm)
- Automation of Logic (Prof. Dr. Christoph Weidenbach)
- Big Data Analytics (Prof. Dr. Jens Dittrich)
- Bioinformatics (Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Lenhof)
- Bioinformatics (Prof. Dr. Volkhard Helms)
- Clinical Bioinformatics (Prof. Dr. Andreas Keller)
- Cloud Software Systems (Dr. Jonathan Mace)
- Cognitive Models of Human Language Processing and their Application to Dialogue Systems (Prof. Dr. Vera Demberg)
- Computational Architecture and Parallel Computing (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang J. Paul)
- Computational Complexity (Prof. Dr. Markus Bläser)
- Computational Interaction (Prof. Dr. Anna Maria Feit)
- Computational Linguistics (Prof. Dr. Alexander Koller)
- Computational Linguistics and Phonetics (Prof. Dr. Manfred Pinkal)
- Computer Graphics (Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Seidel)
- Computer Graphics (Prof. Dr. Philipp Slusallek)
- Computer Security and Privacy, Formal Logic, Programming Languages (Prof. Dr. Deepak Garg)
- Computer Vision and Machine Learning (Prof. Dr. Bernt Schiele)
- Computer Vision and Machine Perception Lab (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eddy Ilg)
- Data Driven Drug Design (Prof. Dr. Andrea Volkamer)
- Databases and Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Gerhard Weikum)
- Depandable Systems and Software (Prof. Dr. Holger Hermanns)
- Distributed System (Prof. Dr. Peter Druschel)
- Exploratory Data Analysis (Prof. Dr. Jilles Vreeken)
- Fine-Grained Complexity and Algorithm Design (Prof. Dr. Karl Bringmann)
- Formal Methods (Prof. Dr. Cas Cremers)
- Foundations of Algorithmic Verification (Prof. Dr. Joël Ouaknine)
- Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (FAI) (Prof. Dr. Jörg Hoffmann)
- Graphics, Vision, and Video (Prof. Dr. Christian Theobalt)
- High Dynamic Range Imaging (PD Dr. Karol Myszkowski)
- Human-Computer Interaction (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Steimle)
- Human-Microbe Systems Bioinformatics (Prof. Dr. Alexey Gurevich)
- Image Processing and Computer Vision (Prof. Dr. Joachim Weickert)
- Information Security and Cryptography (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Backes)
- Integrative Cellular Biology and Bioinformatics (Prof. Dr. Fabian Müller)
- Intelligent Information Systems (PD Dr. Matthias Klusch)
- Internet Architecture (Prof. Dr. Anja Feldmann)
- Knowledge Base Construction and Quality (Dr. Simon Razniewski)
- Language, Computation and Cognition (Prof. Dr. Michael Hahn)
- Legal Informatics, IT Security and Privacy (Prof. Dr. Christoph Sorge)
- Machine Learning (Prof. Dr. Isabel Valera)
- Machine Teaching (Prof. Dr. Adish Singla)
- Mathematics and Computer Science (Prof. Dr. Laurent Bartholdi)
- Mathematics and Computer Science (Prof. Dr. Peter Ochs)
- Modeling and Simulation (Prof. Dr. Verena Wolf)
- Modern Cryptography (Dr. Nico Döttling)
- Multilingual Technologies (Prof. Dr. Josef van Genabith)
- Networked Systems (Prof. Dr. Krishna Gummadi)
- Operating Systems Research (Dr. Antoine Kaufmann)
- Optimization (Dr. Andreas Karrenbauer)
- Parameterized Algorithms and Complexity (Prof. Dr. Dániel Marx)
- Practical Formal Methods (Dr. Maria Christakis)
- Programming (Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hack)
- Programming Languages, Software Verifiation Approxmate Computing (Dr. Eva Darulová)
- Programming Systems (Prof. Dr. Gert Smolka)
- Quantitative Verification (Prof. Dr. Benjamin Kaminski)
- Reactive Systems (Prof. Dr. Bernd Finkbeiner)
- Real Virtual Humans (Dr. Gerard Pons-Moll)
- Real-time and Embedded Systems (Prof. Dr. Jan Reineke)
- Scalable Learning and Perception (Prof. Dr. Mario Fritz)
- Searching, Mining, and Learning with Informal Text (Dr. Andrew Yates)
- Secure Cyber-Physical Systems (Dr. Nils Ole Tippenhauer)
- Secure Web Applications (Dr.-Ing. Ben Stock)
- Semantic Data: Reasoning and Learning (Dr. Daria Stepanova)
- Smart Service Engineering (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Maaß)
- Societal Computing (Prof. Dr. Ingmar Weber)
- Software and Hardware Systems (Prof. Dr. Martina Maggio)
- Software Engineering (Prof. Dr. Andreas Zeller)
- Software Engineering and Programming Methodology (Prof. Dr. Sven Apel)
- Spoken Language Systems (Prof. Dr. Dietrich Klakow)
- Structural Bioinformatics of Protein Interactions (Prof. Dr. Olga Kalinina)
- System Security (Prof. Dr. Christian Rossow)
- Technology Enhanced Learning (Prof. Dr. Tomohiro Nagashima)
- Telecommunitations Lab (Prof. Dr. Thorsten Herfet)
- Text + Time Search & Analytics (Dr. Klaus Berberich)
- Theoretical Computer Science (Prof. Dr. Raimund Seidel)
- Theory of Distributed Computing (Dr. Christoph Lenzen)
- Trusted Systems (Dr.-Ing. Sven Bugiel)
- Type Systems and Functional Programming (Prof. Dr. Derek Dreyer)
- Ubiquitous Media Technologies (Prof. Dr. Antonio Krüger)