Azalea Raad, postdoctoral fellow in the Software Analysis and Verification Group and the Foundations of Programming Group, has accepted a position as Lecturer in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London. Congratulations Azalea! Azalea's research is in the area of programming languages and verification, spanning several topics including non-volatile memory,…
The following three MPI-SWS papers have been accepted to AAAI 2020, one of the flagship conferences in artificial intelligence: Incremental Fairness in Two-Sided Market Platforms: On Smoothly Updating Recommendations by Gourab K. Patro, Abhijnan Chakraborty, Niloy Ganguly, Krishna P. Gummadi. Regression Under Human Assistance by Abir De, Paramita Koley, Niloy Ganguly, Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez. The Effectiveness of Peer Prediction…
MPI-SWS faculty members Peter Druschel, Keon Jang, and Antoine Kaufmann have been appointed as joint general chairs for the 28th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP'21), to be held in Koblenz, Germany from Oct 25 to Oct 28, 2021. SOSP is a top-tier conference covering the full range of theory…
On January 9, 2020, MPI-SWS faculty member Paul Francis published the article Dear Differential Privacy: Put Up or Shut Up, on Medium. The article, which has now reached 1000 views, describes the failure of Differential Privacy as the basis for data protection in the Facebook / Social Sciences One project. The…
Software systems have become ubiquitous in our modern world and, consequently, so have bugs and glitches. While many software failures are harmless and often merely annoying, some can have catastrophic consequences. Just imagine the dire results of an autonomous car failing to stop at a red traffic light or a…
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