Two papers of MPI-SWS researchers were accepted into the program of the 37th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2016): A Blocking Bound for Nested FIFO Spin LocksGlobal Scheduling Not Required: Simple, Near-Optimal Multiprocessor Real-Time Scheduling with Semi-Partitioned ReservationsRTSS 2016 will be held from November 29 until December 2 in Porto,…
MPI-SWS Ph.D. student Aastha Mehta was selected to attend the 4th annual Heidelberg Laureate Forum in September 2016. An international committee of experts selected Aastha for one of only 200 spots reserved for young computer scientists and mathematicians from around the world. In addition to participating in the forum, she…
Neel Krishnaswami, a former postdoc in Derek Dreyer's group at MPI-SWS, will be joining the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory as a University Lecturer. Congratulations, Neel!
Pramod Bhatotia, who completed his doctoral studies at MPI-SWS, will be joining the University of Edinburgh as a Senior Lecturer of computer science. Congratulations, Pramod!
Felipe Cerqueira, Felix Stutz, and Björn Brandenburg have received the best paper award at ECRTS 2016, for their paper "Prosa: A Case for Readable Mechanized Schedulability Analysis." Read more about Prosa.