Felipe Cerqueira, Felix Stutz, and Björn Brandenburg have received the best paper award at ECRTS 2016, for their paper "Prosa: A Case for Readable Mechanized Schedulability Analysis." Read more about Prosa.
Felipe Cerqueira, Felix Stutz, and Björn Brandenburg have received the best paper award at ECRTS 2016, for their paper "Prosa: A Case for Readable Mechanized Schedulability Analysis." Read more about Prosa.
MPI-SWS postdoctoral fellow Sadegh Soudjani has been awarded the DISC Best PhD-Thesis Award for the best PhD thesis defended in 2014 in the Netherlands in the area of systems and control. Dr. Soudjani received the award for the excellent quality of his PhD Thesis "Formal Abstraction for Automated Verification and…
MPI-SWS postdoctoral fellow Rijurekha won the 2014 Best Doctoral Dissertation Award by ACM-India for her thesis titled "Different Sensing Modalities for Traffic Monitoring in Developing Regions" Dr. Sen recently joined the MPI-SWS Distributed Systems and Social Computing research groups.
Krishna Gummadi, Mainack Mondal and Bimal Viswanath, along with Yabing Liu and MPI-SWS alumni Alan Mislove, have received a distinguished paper award at SOUPS 2014, for their paper "Understanding and Specifying Social Access Control Lists."
MPI-SWS Ph.D. student Arpan Gujarati has been selected to attend the 2nd annual Heidelberg Laureate Forum in September 2014. An international committee of experts seletecd Arpan for one of only 100 spots reserved for young computer scientists from around the world. In addition to participating in the forum, he will be one…