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Visiting Professor Johannes Gehrke receives Humboldt Award

Johannes Gehrke, a professor at Cornell University, has been selected for a prestigious Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. This award will provide support for him to spend eight months in Germany, working with Peter Druschel and other MPI-SWS researchers on data-intensive distributed systems that make up…

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MPI-SWS researchers receive ICWSM best paper award

Congratulations to Meeyoung Cha, Juan Antonio Navarro Perez, and Hamed Haddadi. Their paper "Flash Floods and Ripples: The Spread of Media Content through the Blogosphere" was selected as the ICWSM'09 best paper using the Spinn3r dataset. The winning paper was selected out of all papers in the main conference and…

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Peter Druschel receives Mark Weiser Award

MPI-SWS faculty Peter Druschel has been honored as the eighth recipient of the Mark Weiser Award -- the top international award in the field of operating systems. The Mark Weiser Award was established in 2001 by ACM's Special Interest Group on Operating Systems. Recipients must have begun their careers no…

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