Krishna Gummadi and Peter Druschel win ACM SIGCOMM test-of-time award

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MPI-SWS researchers—faculty members Krishna Gummadi and Peter Druschel and former SWS doctoral students Alan Mislove and Massimiliano Marcon—have received the ACM SIGCOMM Test of Time Award for their IMC 2007 paper on „Measurement and Analysis of Online Social Networks.“ The work was done in collaboration with Bobby Bhattacharjee of the University of Maryland.

The award citation reads as follows: „This is one of the first papers that examine multiple online social networks at scale. By introducing novel measurement techniques, the paper has had an enduring influence on the analysis, modeling and design of modern social media and social networking services.“

The ACM SIGCOMM Test of Time Award is a retrospective award. It recognizes papers published 10 to 12 years in the past in Computer Communication Review or any SIGCOMM sponsored or co-sponsored conference that is deemed to be an outstanding paper whose contents are still a vibrant and useful contribution today.