In love with the voice of an operating system: the movie "Her" skillfully presents this idea. An Oscar-winning script, an erotic voice and a loner as protagonist all contribute. Afterwards, Vera Demberg, Professor of Computer Science, and Alexander Koller, Professor of Computational Linguistics, both at Saarland University, comment on the…
Artificial intelligence and data science are regarded as occupational fields of the future. Saarland University teaches these disciplines in the new study program "Data Science and Artificial Intelligence". On Friday, September 6, high school graduates can try out the new subject for four hours. A hands-on workshop, lectures and current…
The cult film "Blade Runner" will be shown by the Filmhaus as "Director's Cut" as part of the film series "Artificial Intelligence in Cinema" (Original with subtitles). Produced in 1982 under the direction of Ridley Scott, the science fiction film deals with the creation of artificial humans as the epitome…
Two minutes of looking into the camera is enough for an app to measure blood pressure, election machines in the United States are vulnerable via the Internet and an online short-term accommodation platform is defending itself against accusations of being responsible for housing shortages in cities. The latest headlines show…
IT security contests called "Capture the Flag" (CTF) are considered hacker contests, but for students this kind of competition is a practical exercise that beats any lecture on IT security in terms of learning enjoyment. Since 2014, the "saarsec" group, which also is made up of cybersecurity students from Saarland…
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