Virtual Open Day at Saarland University on June 27th
Since major events are currently not permitted due to the Corona pandemic, the university has moved its open day to the virtual world. © Saarland University
At the virtual open day, Saarland University presents its range of academic programmes and numerous research topics. This year, however, the event will take place online instead of on the university campus – courses will be presented in video presentations and prospective students can talk with professors via live-chat and ask everything they want to know about the study-programme of their choice. The Central Student Advisory Service and many other university departments offer personal advice in video chats and on the phone. Additionally, videos on service topics related to studying and a virtual tour of the campus and research laboratories are also part of the programme. The live events will take place on June 27th between 10am and 3pm. The complete programme and further information is available at
The partners at the Saarland Informatics Campus also offer online events to inform about their wide range of computer-science activities. Besides information events on the new teacher training course in Computer Science and the Bachelor and Master course “Data Science and Artificial Intelligence”, there is a video with laboratory tours of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), a video lecture and a chat on the mathematics of pandemics, online courses of the Student’s Laboratory for Computer Science at Saarland University, InfoLab Saar, and much more. The informatics programme below will be further updated over the next few weeks.
Since large-scale events are currently prohibited due to the Corona pandemic, the university has moved its open day to the virtual world. The main focus is on student advice and the services offered in connection with choosing a course of study, but scientific questions are also explored. In order to provide first-hand information and personal advice, a wide range of formats are used, which most are familiar with from the e-learning offers at schools.
In so-called chatrooms, prospective students can meet with scientists and researchers and talk about the requirements and contents of the different study programmes. Those who wish to receive individual advice can use video formats, chats or the telephone. Registration with a password is not required. However, some offers can only be used in certain time windows or require registration by e-mail for a personal consultation appointment. The contact options and time windows are listed on the programme website at the departments and service points. All online lectures and videos will continue to be available on the University’s YouTube channel after the Open Day.
In several videos created especially for the open day, students and university employees have the floor. They provide information about the international courses of study at Saar-Uni and the practical courses in the humanities, report on study experiences abroad and explain how to get a student apartment in Saarland. During a virtual campus tour, one also gets to know all the major departments of the university and can take a look at lecture halls and libraries.
Additionally, visitors can take video tours of the research laboratories at the university.
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Die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit am Saarland Informatics Campus wird unterstützt durch das Kompetenzzentrum Informatik Saarland, gefördert aus Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) und Mitteln der Staatskanzlei Saarland.