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Björn Brandenburg to chair RTAS’19

Björn Brandenburg is the program chair of the 25th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS'19), to be held as part of CPSWeek 2019 in Montreal, Canada from April 16 to April 18, 2019. RTAS is a top-tier conference with a focus on systems research related to embedded systems…

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Research Spotlight: From Newton to Turing to cyber-physical systems

In 1937, a young Englishman by the name of Alan M. Turing published a paper with the obscure title "On computable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem'' in the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. In doing so, he arguably laid the mathematical foundations of modern computer science. Turing's seminal…

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Björn Brandenburg receives SIGBED Early Career Award

MPI-SWS faculty member Björn Brandenburg has received the first ever SIGBED Early Career Researcher Award. The award is given by ACM SIGBED to recognize outstanding contributions by young investigators in the area of embedded, real-time, and cyber-physical systems.

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Four MPI-SWS papers accepted at AAAI 2018

Four papers from MPI-SWS have been accepted to AAAI 2018: Beyond Distributive Fairness in Algorithmic Decision Making: Feature Selection for Procedurally Fair LearningLearning to Interact with Learning AgentsInformation Gathering with Peers: Submodular Optimization with Peer-Prediction ConstraintsLearning User Preferences to Incentivize Exploration in the Sharing Economy

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Three MPI-SWS papers accepted at WWW 2018

Three papers from MPI-SWS have been accepted to the 2018 Web Conference: Human Perceptions of Fairness in Algorithmic Decision Making: A Case Study of Criminal Risk Prediction On the Causal Effect of Badges Fake News Detection in Social Networks via Crowd Signals

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