Studying IT security and founding a company at the same time – this is what the master's course "Entrepreneurial Cybersecurity" at Saarland University offers. In just four semesters, students develop an idea for starting a business in IT security and bring the first prototypes to market maturity. For the best…
In times of the Covid 19 pandemic, experts all over the world agree that social distancing is the best way to slow down the spread of the virus. Many people who have been sent to their home office because of this recommendation for action are confronted with unexpected problems: Little…
Studying T-Security and founding a company at the same time - this is what the master's course "Entrepreneurial Cybersecurity" at Saarland University offers. In just four semesters, students develop a founding idea for IT security and bring the first prototypes to market maturity. For the best ideas, there is start-up…
Due to the current coronavirus-situation, Saarland University has initiated measures to contain further spread. Here you can find the official notification and news updates of the University: Summary: The libraries on campus now have restricted opening hours. Please refer to the information on the websites of the…
Kevin Baum, researcher for Computer- and Machine-Ethics at Saarland University, has been appointed as an expert in the Enquête-Commission "Digitalisierung im Saarland – Bestandsaufnahme, Chancen und Maßnahmen" in February 2020. The commission, which started its work in February 2019, determines the effects, opportunities and risks brought about by technological innovation…
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