News Archive

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Thomas Lengauer is president of the leading international society for bioinformatics

Thomas Lengauer, director at the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science and spokesman of the Center for Bioinformatics at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, has become president of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB). Bioinformatics deduces the function of living organisms on a molecular level with mathematical models and algorithms.…

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Christian Theobalt awarded Karl Heinz Beckurts-Preis 2017

One of Germany's most prestigious awards for basic research with high practical relevance goes to Professor Dr. Christian Theobalt. The computer scientist receives the Beckurts Prize 2017 for his trend-setting insights and developments to efficiently capture human movements, poses, gestures, and facial expressions from videos and transfer them into 3D…

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Saarbrücken computer scientists internationally recognized for ca. 20-year-old research

Since the beginnings of informatics, computer scientists have also brought the art of deduction to computers, so that they can support humans in thinking and even prove statements that can be formulated mathematically. Hence, researchers delve into mathematical logic and develop formal systems, based on and evaluated by deductive principles.…

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New teaching concept: Machine learning expertise for students and industry

“There are already six lectures on the topic of ‘machine learning’ at Saarland University. Therefore, it seemed logical to expand upon this focus and open it up to people unfamiliar with the field,” explains Matthias Hein, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Saarland University. Hein has already won several…

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