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Informatiker Andreas Bulling mit ERC Starting Grant ausgezeichnet

Andreas Bulling, der in Saarbrücken am Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik und am Exzellenzcluster der Universität des Saarlandes die Forschungsgruppe „Perceptual User Interfaces“ leitet, hat vom Europäischen Forschungsrat ein ERC Starting Grant erhalten. Für sein Projekt „Anticipate: Anticipatory Human-Computer Interaction” wird er fünf Jahre lang mit 1,5 Millionen Euro gefördert. Ziel seines…

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AI could make dodgy lip sync dubbing a thing of the past

Researchers have developed a system using artificial intelligence that can edit the facial expressions of actors to accurately match dubbed voices, saving time and reducing costs for the film industry. It can also be used to correct gaze and head pose in video conferencing, and enables new possibilities for video…

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Improving Flat Panel Displays by Discrete Optimization

To reduce the energy consumption of flat panel displays one needs hardware-implementable algorithms that manage the pixel control. A patented solution is able to give results very close to the optimum.Read this Article here:

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