Saarbücken computer scientists are researching how the human body can be used as a touch-sensitive surface for mobile devices.

Research Institutes

Several world-renowned computer science institutes are located on the Saarland Informatics Campus at Saarland University – often only a few steps apart from one another. The researchers working here make Saarbrücken a unique European site for computer science.

Christian Theres
Managing Director
+49 681 302-70166
Saarland Informatics Campus E1 7, R.103
66123 Saarbrücken
Image of Christian Theres

Collaborative Projects

Researchers at the Saarland Informatics Campus regularly initiate and conduct large research projects that are funded by various organizations such as the German Research Foundation, Google, the Volkswagen Foundation, and others.

Centre for European Research in Trusted AI (CERTAIN)

The main objective of this initiative is to address the often disregarded “trust” aspect of AI systems. The goal is to develop new technologies that offer functional and other guarantees and ensure the reliability of AI systems.

Project duration: since 2023

Funding: Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE)

Project Webseite

ELLIS-Unit Saarbrücken AI & Machine Learning „SAM“

Founded in 2020 within the ELLIS Society, the ELLIS Unit SAM focuses on the further development of basic algorithms for artificial intelligence and machine learning (AIML) systems. SAM values security and trustworthiness and aims to enable future AI/ML systems with advanced functionalities for personalized assistants and autonomous decision making.

Project duration: since 2020

Project Webseite

Explainable Intelligent Systems

The research project explores how the explainability of artificial intelligent systems contributes to the fulfillment of important demands of society such as responsible decision-making, trustworthiness of AI and much more.

Project duration: since 2019

Funding: Volkswagen Foundation

Project Webseite

Foundations of Perspicuous Software Systems (CPEC)

The Interregional Collaborative Research Center CRC/TRR 248 “Foundations of Perspicuous Software Systems” aims to enable understanding in a cyber-physical world focused on humans. It was founded in January 2019, involves around 80 researchers (including 50 doctoral students) and is now in its second funding period, financed until 2026.

Project duration: since 2019

Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Project Webseite

Information Density and Linguistic Encoding (IDeaL)

The Collaborative Research Center CRC 1102 is focused on investigating how speakers strategically modulate linguistic encoding on the surprise effect to provide a unified explanation for language variation and use in different communicative environments and at different levels.

Project duration: since 2014

Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Project Webseite

Interdisciplinary Institute for Societal Computing (I2SC)

The I2SC at Saarland University promotes interdisciplinary research between the social sciences and computer science. With a focus on “Computing of Society” and “Computing for Society”, the institute explores social phenomena and develops concepts to improve social coexistence.

Project duration: since 2023

Project Webseite

Neuroexplicit Models of Language, Vision and Action

The Collaborative Research Center GRK 2853 focuses on groundbreaking neuro-explicit models that integrate neural and human-interpretable components for applications in language processing, computer vision and decision making.

Project duration: 2023 – 2028

Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Project Webseite

Center for Visual Computing, Interaction & AI (VIA)

A strategic partnership between the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken and Google investigating fundamental frontier research challenges in the fields of computer graphics, computer vision and human-machine interaction at the intersection of AI and machine learning.

Project duration: since 2022

Funding: Google

Project Webseite

Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application

Saarland University plays a leading role in SFB/TRR 195, a transregional collaborative research center focusing on “Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application”, which contributes to open-source computer algebra systems and progress in algebra and related fields. The objective is to advance interdisciplinary research and improve the computer algebra system OSCAR with innovative algorithms and parallelization techniques.

Project duration: since 2017

Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Project Webseite

Prizes, Awards and Grants

Bild von Sebastian Stich
ERC Consolidators Grant
Dr. Sebastian Stich
Bild von Paul Strohmeier
ERC Starting Grant
Dr. Paul Strohmeier
Bild von Sebastian Brandt
ERC Starting Grant
Dr. Sebastian Brandt
Bild von Joël Ouaknine
ERC Synergy Grant
Prof. Dr. Joël Ouaknine
Bild von Andreas Zeller
Academia Europaea Mitgliedschaft
Prof. Dr. Andreas Zeller
Bild von Anja Feldmann
ACM Fellowship
Prof. Dr. Anja Feldmann
Bild von Gerhard Weikum
Ehrendoktorwürde National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Weikum
Bild von Laurent Bartholdi
ERC Advanced Grant
Prof. Dr. Laurent Bartholdi
Platzhalter Bild
Marc Habermann
Bild von Anja Feldmann
GI Konrad-Zuse-Medaille
Prof. Dr. Anja Feldmann
Bild von Miriam Rateike
Google PhD Fellowship
Ph.D. Miriam Rateike
Bild von Jürgen Steimle
ERC Proof of Concept
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Steimle
Bild von Kurt Mehlhorn
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Kurt Mehlhorn
Bild von Günter Hotz
Ehrenbürger der Stadt St. Ingbert
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Günter Hotz
Bild von Vahid Babaei
EXIST Transfer of Research Grant
Vahid Babaei
Bild von Philipp Slusallek
Eurographics Gold Medal
Prof. Dr. Philipp Slusallek
Bild von Derek Dreyer
Alonzo Church Award for Outstanding Contributions to Logic and Computation
Prof. Dr. Derek Dreyer
Bild von Holger Hermanns
Jean-Claude Laprie Award
Prof. Dr. Holger Hermanns
Bild von Jürgen Steimle
People's Choice Best Demo Award
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Steimle
Bild von Alexander Koller
Neuroexplicit Models of Language, Vision, and Action
Prof. Dr. Alexander Koller
Bild von Anja Feldmann
IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award
Prof. Dr. Anja Feldmann
Bild von Wolfgang Wahlster
Hall of Fame der deutschen Forschung
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster
Bild von Vahid Babaei
Vahid Babaei
Bild von Sven Apel
GPCE 2023 Most Influential Paper Award
Prof. Dr. Sven Apel
Bild von Goran Radanovic
DFG Emmy Noether-Förderung
Dr. Goran Radanovic
Bild von Bernd Finkbeiner
ERC Advanced Grant
Prof. Dr. Bernd Finkbeiner
Bild von Thorsten Holz
ERC Consolidators Grant
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Holz
Platzhalter Bild
Ayush Tewari
Bild von Simon Spies
Google PhD Fellowship
Prof. Dr. Simon Spies
Bild von Wolfgang Wahlster
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster
Bild von Christian Theobalt
Eurographics Fellowship
Prof. Dr. Christian Theobalt
Bild von Goran Radanovic
AAAI Outstanding Paper Honorable Mention
Dr. Goran Radanovic
Bild von Adish Singla
AAAI Outstanding Paper Honorable Mention
Prof. Dr. Adish Singla
Bild von Alvaro Torralba
AAAI Outstanding Paper Honorable Mention
Dr. Alvaro Torralba
Bild von Jörg Hoffmann
AAAI Outstanding Paper Honorable Mention
Prof. Dr. Jörg Hoffmann
Bild von Vahid Babaei
Hermann Neuhaus Prize
Vahid Babaei
Bild von Bernhard Schommer
ACM Software System Award
Bernhard Schommer
Bild von Holger Hermanns
CONCUR Test-of-Time Award
Prof. Dr. Holger Hermanns
Bild von Sven Apel
ICPC Most Influential Paper Award
Prof. Dr. Sven Apel
Bild von Ingmar Weber
Alexander von Humboldt-Professur
Prof. Dr. Ingmar Weber
Bild von Holger Hermanns
Foundations of Perspicuous Software Systems (CPEC)
Prof. Dr. Holger Hermanns

Research Highlights

Scientists at the Saarland Informatics Campus (SIC) carry out top-level research. Their projects are presented at renowned international conferences, as well as at trade fairs such as the international computer expo CeBIT in Hannover.

Contacts, Directories, Research Groups

Around 1000 researchers make the Saarland Informatics Campus a unique location for computer science. They do research as PhD students, independent research group leaders, professors, and emeritus professors in more than 77 research groups.

Erich Reindel
Managing Director, Department of Computer Science
+49 681 302-58091
Saarland Informatics Campus E1 7, R.123
66123 Saarbrücken
Image of Erich Reindel

Doctoral Studies

The Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science provides an optimal environment for pursuing doctoral studies in computer science at an internationally competitive level. As a student, you undergo research-oriented training and experience a stimulating and scientifically challenging atmosphere. Advised by internationally renowned scientists, you can participate in one of the many research groups and find your way into top-notch research.

Dr. Michelle Carnell
General Manager, Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science
+49 681 302-5523
Saarland Informatics Campus E1 3, R.205
66123 Saarbrücken
Image of Dr. Michelle Carnell


The Campus Library for Computer Science and Mathematics is the common library of the on-campus Max Planck Institutes, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and the Departments of Computer Science and Mathematics at Saarland University. In addition to 120,000 computer science and mathematics publications, the library also offers individual and group work spaces.

Open Science / Open Access

Open Science (OS) promotes free and unrestricted access to scientific knowledge and data, enabling their open dissemination via the internet. Key aspects of Open Science include unrestricted access to research data (Open Data) and academic publications (Open Access). Digital technologies provide new opportunities to make science more transparent, accessible, and collaborative.

Learn more and find all key information here.

Simone Schulze
Head of the Library for Computer Science and Mathematics
+49 681 302-70601
Saarland Informatics Campus E2 3, R.005
66123 Saarbrücken
Image of Simone Schulze

Technology Transfer: Collaboration and Investment

To convert research results into products and licenses, the Saarland Informatics Campus offers a comprehensive infrastructure for the support of start-ups. Saarland University's newly established "Triathlon" organization bundles all activities for the fostering of researchers in the fields of entrepreneurship, innovation and technology transfer. It includes an incubator for tech start-ups, ,an internal patent office and comprehensive capacities for intensive support of start-up projects. Software developments are protected by open source and proprietary licenses. In the 2022 edition of the "Gründungsradar" (Start-up Radar), the UdS ranked 2nd among the 59 large German universities.    

Jens Krück
Management Triathlon
+49 681 302-3548
Campus A1 1
66123 Saarbrücken
Image of Jens Krück

Job Opportunities

From internships to professorships, job opportunities at the Saarland Informatics Campus are wide-ranging. Whether during your studies, or as the next step in your career, the SIC as an employer offers excellent prospects to gain your footing on our campus.

The Career Center - Supporting International Students In Their Career
The Career Center is your contact for all questions regarding career entry. Our aim is to keep your studies practical by supporting you in finding internships, helping you develop intercultural and soft skills, getting in touch with companies, and assisting you in presenting yourself well for a job interview, for example.

Selected Highlights:


Professor (W3) in Machine Learning (m/f/x)

We are looking for a highly motivated researcher in the field of Machine Learning (ML) for a W3
professorship (equivalent to full professor level). We invite applications in all modern areas of ML, including but not limited to theoretical and applied deep learning, reinforcement learning, causal ML, trustworthy and robust ML, etc.  more

Open PostDoc Position in Computer Vision and Continual Learning

The group is looking for a PostDoc that will lead the effort to advance 2D and 3D machine perception algorithms to be able to learn incrementally and evolve, which is highly relevant for the future of AI. You will be working in an interdisciplinary setting between computer vision, 3D reconstruction, NLP and fundamental machine learning. (...)

Student Assistant (HiWi) position (m/f/x)

In his newly-established group focused on user-centered learning sciences and technology research, Professor Tomohiro Nagashima is looking for 1-2 Student Research Assistants (HiWi) who can support new exciting research on learning technology and learning sciences. (...)


Open PhD Student Position Computer Vision and Continual Learning

The goal of your PhD will be to create state-of-the-art 2D and 3D machine perception algorithms that can learn incrementally and evolve.  This is a topic that is highly relevant for the future of AI and connects to 2D and 3D vision, natural language processing, reinforcement learning and fundamental research. (...)

Hiwistelle Marketing & Communication, Tech (m/w/d)

Our team is looking for student support (f/m/d) in the areas of social media, copywriting, marketing, communication, organization as well as tech for the #SIC and the computer science department.Send your application to:

Academic research assistant (m/f/x)

You will work in the interdisciplinary team of the Chair of Legal Informatics. As a chair of informatics within the Faculty of Law it is unique in Germany (...)

Dates, Lectures and Events

March 2025

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
  • International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)
  • International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)
  • International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)
  • International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)
  • IP Office Hour
  • Linear-Time Algorithms for k-Edge-Connected Components, k-Lean Tree Decompositions, and More
  • Austausch mit der Community
  • Informatik-AG Gymnasium am Schloss
  • Selbstständigkeit und Niederlassung
  • IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
  • IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
  • IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
  • ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
  • Hand-based Illusions for Haptics in Virtual Reality
  • IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
  • ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
  • IP Office Hour
  • Meet my Expectations: On the Interplay of Trustworthiness and Deep Learn-ing Optimization
  • IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
  • ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
  • ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
  • Share-Based and Envy-Based Approaches to Fair Division of Indivisible Goods
  • ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
  • Informatik-AG Gymnasium am Schloss
  • Selbstständigkeit und Niederlassung
  • Graduation Ceremony
  • IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
  • MfCS1 Repetitorial
  • IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
  • MfCS1 Repetitorial
  • IP Office Hour
  • IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
  • MfCS1 Repetitorial
  • D1 Group Meeting
  • IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
  • Reward Design for Reinforcement Learning Agents - Rati Devidze
  • Lange Nacht der Industrie: Studierende können saarländische Industrie kennenlernen
  • Designing Fair Decision-Making Systems
  • IP Office Hour
  • Informatik-AG Gymnasium am Schloss
  • Selbstständigkeit und Niederlassung
  • International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)
  • International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)
  • International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning