Header image study page: Graduation ceremony SIC

Study Programs

The department of computer science is among the best in Germany and has a lot to offer. Whether Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Computational Linguistics, Cybersecurity, Embedded Systems, Language and Communication Technologies, Mathematics and Computer Science, Media Informatics, Teacher Training, Visual Computing or Business Informatics, whether Bachelor or Master, Saarland University (UdS) offers a course of study for every taste in Computer Science.


Study Scheduler

From us to you: With the Study Scheduler you can easily create your schedule for each semester.

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Master’s Degree Programs

International Bachelor Programs – Entirely in English!

High-class education, no tuition fees, low cost of living, a safe environment and, especially in Saarbrücken, an international flair with a wide range of free-time activities. Saarland University is your gateway for studying in Germany – it is the first German university to offer undergraduate programs that are taught entirely in English.

Information for Applicants

Reasons to Study Computer Science in Saarbrücken

A student with books

The best mentoring

Nowhere else in Germany do students have better support than in Saarbrücken: there is one researcher for every four students.



The Saarland

That it borders on France is clear right away: high quality of life, good food, varied cultural and natural attractions, and above all the warm and open Saarlanders.


Two students with laptop

The best financial support

Teaching assistantships allow you to earn money and academic credits. Merit scholarships are available for undergraduate and graduate studies.


Students looking at a laptop

In English, please!

From the 2nd semester at the latest, almost all lectures of the german bachelor’s courses are held in English and the two international bachelor’s courses are taught entirely in English from the start.

Flags of the institutes

Four top institutes

Four world-renowned computer science institutes make the Saarland Informatics Campus a unique place to study in Europe.

Graphic of laptop with tools

Thinking outside the box

Computer science, cybersecurity or bioinformatics? Saarbrücken offers variety like nowhere else.

New at Saarland Informatics Campus?

Starting your studies can be quite exciting. Finding your way around after enrollment is not always easy: To make it easier for you, you will find all the important steps on your way to us here - from enrollment to the start of the semester. The study coordinators, the student council and students from higher semesters are always happy to help you get started and are always open to questions and personal concerns.

1. User account information

First of all, you need your university ID to get in touch with us, or other first year students.

2. Get to know fellow students

On the Discord-Server of the CS Students' Representative Council you can get to know your fellow students and exchange ideas with students of higher semesters - even before you have your admission! Whether you want to prepare for your studies, learn together, play, make music or just have a chat - we are here for you!​

3. Follow us on Social Media

In order to be always up to date and not to miss anything, we regularly provide you with information about the campus on our social media channels.


4. Enroll: Maths Prep Course and StEP

Every year, students from higher semesters organize the Maths Prep Course, and the the Student Council organizes the Student Introduction Period, StEP for short. Together, they help new students of computer science and related courses to get started in their studies. Highly recommended!

5. Access to E-Mail, WLAN and VPN

This page of the University IT Center explains how to set up your personal access.
German Website

6. Study organisation

Here you will find all the information you need to start your first semester successfully.
From pre-courses to timetable creation or even tips on student financing and the mentor programs, you will find the information here:
Study organisation

7. Download the Uni-App

You need a campus map or want to know what you can eat in the cafeteria? The university app offers you that and much more.

Download: At the moment the android app is being reworked.
Download: AppStore

8. Information about your semester

Finally, you should take a look at our page with information about the current semester. Here you will find all welcome events / kick-off events but also introduction videos for the offered courses.
Welcome at Saarland Informatics Campus!


Information for Pupils

Ever taught a robot to drive, or built a scanner to capture objects in three dimensions? We want to make students aware of the computer science field at an early age, and therefore offer several programs, lectures and workshops. Why not sign up? It only takes a few clicks!

School Office
+49 681 302-2602
Image of School Office

Guidance and Information for Students

What is the meaning of this passage in the study regulations? Is it possible to write a master’s thesis externally, at a company? Can I get credit for courses taken abroad? We are happy to advise you on these and other issues.

Courses and Lecturers

The lectures of the individual programs are listed on the “Teaching, Research, Study” (German abbreviation: “LSF”) portal. Students register there for exams and tests. The “collision table” makes conflicts visible at a glance.

Study Coordination
+49 681 302-58092
Saarland Informatics Campus E1 3, R.207-209
66123 Saarbrücken
Image of Study Coordination


The staff of our examination office can answer any of your questions about examinations, credit points, or bachelor’s and master’s theses. Please have a look at the website of the examination office for further information and forms.

Examination Office
Saarland Informatics Campus E1 3, R.202
66123 Saarbrücken
Image of Examination Office

Exam Calendar

March 2025

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
  • GDM-Tagung
  • GDM-Tagung
  • Rosenmontag
  • GDM-Tagung
  • GDM-Tagung
  • GDM-Tagung
  • GDM-Tagung
  • Ethics for Nerds - End of Term
  • Computational Social Choice Re-Exam
  • Side-Channel Attacks and Defenses End of Term
  • Statistical Natural Language Processing - Re-Exam
  • Elements of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Re-Exam
  • Absolventenfeier
  • Advanced Topics in Neural Rendering and Reconstruction Re-Exam
  • Formal Verification of Systems Software - Re-Exam
  • Artificial Inellicence Re-Exam
  • Generative AI Re-Exam
  • Security - Re-Exam
  • Automated Reasoning Re-Exam
  • Software Engineering - Re-Exam
  • Elements of Machine Learning - Re-Exm
  • Database Systems - Re-Exam
  • Regionalkonferenz Südwest
  • Regionalkonferenz Südwest
  • Regionalkonferenz Südwest
  • Regionalkonferenz Südwest
  • Regionalkonferenz Südwest
  • Regionalkonferenz Südwest
  • Einführung in die Numerik
  • Grundlagen der Medieninformatik - Re-Exam
  • Sachrechnen
  • Automata, Games, and Verification Re-Exam
  • HMI I
  • Digital Transmission, Signal Processing - Re-Exam
  • Introduction to Algorithms und Datastructures - End of Term
  • Algebra I
  • Grundzüge der Theoretischen Informatik - Re-Exam
  • Mathe für Bio und Lehramt Chemie
  • Computer Graphics Re-Exam
  • Elementarmathematik
  • MFN I
  • Mobile Security Re-Exam
  • Eignungsprüfung Build an 8-bit Computer from Scratch
  • Bioinformatik I Re-Exam
  • Ethics for Nerds - Re-Exam
  • MFI I
  • Programmierung 1 - Re-Exam
  • Programmierung 2 Vorkurs - in Planung
  • Differential Equations in Image Processing and Computer Vision Re-Exam

Doctoral Studies

The Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science provides an optimal environment for pursuing doctoral studies in computer science at an internationally competitive level. As a student, you undergo research-oriented training and experience a stimulating and scientifically challenging atmosphere. Advised by internationally renowned scientists, you can participate in one of the many research groups and find your way into top-notch research.

Dr. Michelle Carnell
General Manager, Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science
+49 681 302-5523
Saarland Informatics Campus E1 3, R.205
66123 Saarbrücken
Image of Dr. Michelle Carnell

From Studying to Research and Careers

Science, industry, or start-ups? We offer many services to help graduates and research- or industry-based employers to get in touch.

Erich Reindel
Managing Director, Department of Computer Science
+49 681 302-58091
Saarland Informatics Campus E1 7, R.123
66123 Saarbrücken
Image of Erich Reindel

Job Opportunities

From internships to professorships, job opportunities at the Saarland Informatics Campus are wide-ranging. Whether during your studies, or as the next step in your career, the SIC as an employer offers excellent prospects to gain your footing on our campus.

The Career Center - Supporting International Students In Their Career
The Career Center is your contact for all questions regarding career entry. Our aim is to keep your studies practical by supporting you in finding internships, helping you develop intercultural and soft skills, getting in touch with companies, and assisting you in presenting yourself well for a job interview, for example.

Selected Highlights:


Professor (W3) in Machine Learning (m/f/x)

We are looking for a highly motivated researcher in the field of Machine Learning (ML) for a W3
professorship (equivalent to full professor level). We invite applications in all modern areas of ML, including but not limited to theoretical and applied deep learning, reinforcement learning, causal ML, trustworthy and robust ML, etc.  more

Open PostDoc Position in Computer Vision and Continual Learning

The group is looking for a PostDoc that will lead the effort to advance 2D and 3D machine perception algorithms to be able to learn incrementally and evolve, which is highly relevant for the future of AI. You will be working in an interdisciplinary setting between computer vision, 3D reconstruction, NLP and fundamental machine learning. (...)

Student Assistant (HiWi) position (m/f/x)

In his newly-established group focused on user-centered learning sciences and technology research, Professor Tomohiro Nagashima is looking for 1-2 Student Research Assistants (HiWi) who can support new exciting research on learning technology and learning sciences. (...)


Open PhD Student Position Computer Vision and Continual Learning

The goal of your PhD will be to create state-of-the-art 2D and 3D machine perception algorithms that can learn incrementally and evolve.  This is a topic that is highly relevant for the future of AI and connects to 2D and 3D vision, natural language processing, reinforcement learning and fundamental research. (...)

Hiwistelle Marketing & Communication, Tech (m/w/d)

Our team is looking for student support (f/m/d) in the areas of social media, copywriting, marketing, communication, organization as well as tech for the #SIC and the computer science department.Send your application to:


Academic research assistant (m/f/x)

You will work in the interdisciplinary team of the Chair of Legal Informatics. As a chair of informatics within the Faculty of Law it is unique in Germany (...)


The Campus Library for Computer Science and Mathematics is the common library of the on-campus Max Planck Institutes, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and the Departments of Computer Science and Mathematics at Saarland University. In addition to 120,000 computer science and mathematics publications, the library also offers individual and group work spaces.

Open Science / Open Access

Open Science (OS) promotes free and unrestricted access to scientific knowledge and data, enabling their open dissemination via the internet. Key aspects of Open Science include unrestricted access to research data (Open Data) and academic publications (Open Access). Digital technologies provide new opportunities to make science more transparent, accessible, and collaborative.

Learn more and find all key information here.

Simone Schulze
Head of the Library for Computer Science and Mathematics
+49 681 302-70601
Saarland Informatics Campus E2 3, R.005
66123 Saarbrücken
Image of Simone Schulze