News Archive

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International award for influential research on program runtime prediction

Knowing how long a program needs to perform its calculations is of central importance for many applications. Only with this knowledge can one guarantee that time-critical systems in cars, airplanes or industrial plants react in time. The architecture of the computer on which software runs is very important for the…

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Saarbrücken computer science pioneer Prof. Günter Hotz turns 90

On November 16, Günter Hotz, professor emeritus of applied mathematics and computer science, pioneer of computer science in Saarbrücken and honorary senator of Saarland University, will celebrate his 90th birthday. The jubilarian, who lives in St. Ingbert (Saarland), is considered one of the fathers of computer science in Germany. He…

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How robust are industrial control systems? Computer scientists develop new test approach

How do industrial control systems react to disturbances? To analyze the reaction to a particular type of disturbance, caused by computational errors, Saarbrücken computer science professor Martina Maggio, in collaboration with researchers from Lund University in Sweden, has developed a new approach which outperforms previous testing methods. Their new approach…

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