Welcome at Saarland Informatics Campus on Instagram Impressum Female@Tech scholarship Prof. Andreas Zeller in Academia Europaea Arata Jingu - Google PhD Fellow ERC Synergie Grant Visual Computing Saarland: Neuer Digital Hub YouTube - SIC FAQs - Semester Information Summerschool - DFKI and Inria Mathematics Prep' Course Stipendium KI-Grundregeln André Zenner: "Tricking the Brain" Registration & Information, SYMPOSIUM - SHAPING THE FUTURE: WOMEN IN AI Anna Calmbach, Sophie Kunz "Holding Hands Virtually" Tag der offenen Tür Saarbrücken Computer Scientists in Practice Level up your skills! CHE Ranking Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hack: useful tips on writing your thesis / paper Tomohiro Nagashima "AlgeSPACE" Kurt Mehlhorn ACM Saarland/Intel Joint Programs Anja Feldmann ACM Fellow Mint Me Up, UdS! Gold Medal NWERC 2023 SIC Science Podcast Lightstage Career@SIC AI Symposium Curious Mind Award Hall of Fame Support for International Students Busy Beaver Accommodation & Study Financing Welcome events Students' representative council ESN Saarbrücken Semester Start ROCKS 2023 Unicareers Students' representative council CERTAIN Zuse Medal Anja Feldmann Saarland/Intel Joint Programs I2SC Math Prep Course Jobs @SIC Saarlandstipendium Hochschulsport Counselling Service Kobayashi Award Triple E Award SIC Newsletter Laprie Award Enrollment 3D-printed pills Jugend forscht visits SIC DragGAN Unicamp next Tag der offenen Tür 2023 RTG "Neuroexplicit Models" Eurographics 2023 Thunis Center for Bioinformatics Busy Beaver Hackathon Infos Summer Semester 2023 ERC Advanced Grant Laurent Bartholdi Project "GENE" hate speech Graduation ceremony ERC Proof of Concept Grant Start-up funding Studieninfotage International Mother Language Day Programming 2 Pre-Course Alumni Mentoring Researchers detect weaknesses in ML algorithms Honorary Citizenship Günter Hotz Voting AI Newcomer Journalismuspreis Informatik 2022 Enrollment and SIM portal Re-registration DFKI Research Department DAAD Award NWERC 2022 Foundations of Perspicuous Software Systems Advent of Code Torchlight Procession Bewerbungsportal Studienstiftung Saar Klakow - SLIK VIA opening Library for computer science and mathematics Language Center Angebote der Studienberatung Centre for International Students Stellenangebote Business Plan Competition StEP Studiengang Computerlinguistik SIClife - Max Planck Institute for Informatics Mathematics Prep' Course 2022 Studiengang Bioinformatik Health AI Ausschreibung des 1. Wissenschaftspreises des Innovative Retail Lab online Current semester info page Re-registration SaarlandStipendium der Software AG Prof. Hans-Peter Seidel elected into the ACM SIGGRAPH Academy Smart Implants - Bone Fracture Kolloquium Günter Hotz "Abi – was dann?"-Messe MINT-Award Marketing Hiwi-Stelle Anniversary Schloss Dagstuhl Jörg Hoffmann - Foundations of Artificial Intelligence - ICAPS Professor Derek Dreyer has been appointed Scientific Member of the Max Planck Society and Scientific Director of the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems protein discovery with rejuvenating effect (Keller and Kern) online re-registration Start-Up Weekend Application for international Bachelor-programs Google and MPII - Saarbrücken Research Center for Visual Computing, Interaction and Artificial Intelligence (VIA) Ingmar Weber will take up an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship next – your career fair on campus UniCamp für SchülerInnen Night of the profs Vortragsreihe zentrale Studienberatung DSAI Konrad Zuse Schools of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence ICPC 2022 "Most Influential Paper Award" Career Center Events UniCamp für SchülerInnen Tag der offenen Tür 2022 StudyCheck Lehramt Informatik+ MAKE-IT Festival Dr. Georg Schneider - Vortrag - ZF AI Lab Saarbrücken Prof. Sven Apel - ERC Advanced Grant - "Brains On Code" Ursula Hill-Samelson Lehrerpreises der Saarbrücker Informatik geht an Informatiklehrer Torsten Otto Girls' Day 2022 im InfoLab Saar - Schülerlabor Informatik Focus semester on Quantum Information "You can make IT!" - Girls' Day Call for Paper - Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. Transform4Europe Week MFI Englisch Sprachkurs Welcome Events Bachelor & Master StEP 6th Summer School on Computational Interaction Bachelor-Studiengang Mathematik und Informatik Programming 2 Pre-Course Lecture Teasers (YouTube) SIC Study Scheduler Digital Seeds 2022 Studieninfowochen 2022 - Informatik Idea contest - OWL - onwards we launch Studiengangsfilm Bioinformatik Prof. Maaß - AI in the fight against doping International Day of Women and Girls in Science, 11 February Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DSAI) - Video Stabsstelle Chancengleichheit und Diversitätsmanagement SIC Study Scheduler Gestalte deine Life Balance Gesucht: IT-Hiwis am SIC Live-Schalte zur ISS Velik Velikov DAAD award application for our computer science course (B.Sc.) Journalistenpreis Informatik - Facebook Veranstaltung Journalistenpreis Informatik - Livestream 4.5 million euros in EU funding for Saarbrücken computer science research Innovation Mine Isabel Valera MentToMint Landeshauptstadt Saarbrücken CHE Ranking M.Sc. Computer Science Wissenschaftlerinnen und Forscherinnen Advent of Code Project of Anna Maria Feits Group Saarlandbotschafter Kurt Mehlhorn kidipedia - Uni Pressemitteilung job offerings Prof. Günter Hotz turns 90 Martina Maggio - "Best Paper Award" bio-signals career fair - next digital Kurs zur Drohnenprogrammierung mit Python Ringvorlesung: Decisions² Interactive cookbook - Alexander Koller virtual orientation for new master students Studierenden-Einführungs-Phase (StEP) International Bachelor Freshmen - events Kurt Mehlhorn - Iversity Kurse LolaDrives - Real Driving Emissions Test Begrüßungsveranstaltung Bachelor-Erstsemester Konrad-Zuse-Medaille MentoMINT Programm Präsenzbetrieb im WS 2021/22 Event "Applying in a Digital World" Free local public transport Podcast mit Richard Socher Abi - was dann? EEG-Study Information about the current semester Jasper Slusallek - ‘Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award’ MINT Award - Cyber Sicherheit Anmeldung SIC Newsletter Glückwunsch Prof. Siekmann! 3D-Druckkurs InfoLabSaar Computer Science (B.Sc.) - Apply Now! Prof. Dittrich - Skript stoppt Schummeleien Strengthening Women in AI Noshaba Cheema - Interview Ralf Jung - Rust - Dissertation Jörg Hoffmann EurAI-Fellow Glückwunsch zum Abi! Kerstin Reese holt Informatik mitten ins Leben Bericht Süddeutsche Zeitung über Pflichtfach Informatik Bericht Saarbrücker Zeitung über Pflichtfach Informatik Bericht SR über Pflichtfach Informatik Interview Verena Wolf 26.06.2021 Virtueller Tag der offenen Tür HCI Openings 18.06.2021 Digitaltag - DFKI Programm 18.06.2021 Digitaltag - InfoLAB Schnitzeljagd Next Messe Journalistenpreis Informatik 2021 Master Cybersecurity Women of computing 07.06.2021 Freunde der Saarbrücker Informatik (Alumni) IT-Themenabend Lehramt Informatik PLUS CySec Master Studiumsfinanzierung Apply Now - Computer Science B.Sc. (English) 04.05.2021 Night of the Profs - YouTube 30.04.2021 New: Study Computer Science entirely in English! 28.04.2021 'Foldio Adventures - Fuchs im Netz' 27.04.2021 knowledge bases - Simon Razniewski 22.04.2021 Jan Reineke ERC Advanced Grant 21.04.2021 Christian Theobalt neuer MPI-I Direktor 19.04.2021 Durchblick für die Industrie 16.04.2021 Night of the Profs 12.04.2021 human eye webcam 09.04.2021 paintings from the printer 08.04.2021 Kick-Off Sommersemester 2021 07.04.2021 Bachelor-Ersti Informatik 31.03.2021 CYENS Summer Internship 2021 24.03.2021 Safe Systems Programming in Rust 21.03.2021 Studentenwerk-YouTube 17.03.2021 Seminar: Game Development Technologies 15.03.2021 Saarbrücken based bioinformaticians trace down molecular signals of Parkinson’s disease 11.03.2021 Stacs 2021 05.03.2021 GradUS workshops for doctoral researchers 24.02.2021 Johannes Bernhard - antike Tontafeln Folgen Impressum