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Ethics for Nerds: Projekt der Universität des Saarlandes erhält Hochschulperle des Monats Januar

Ethics für Nerds, so lautet der Titel der erfolgreichen Vorlesung, die Lehrende der Fachrichtungen für Informatik und Philosophie der Universität des Saarlandes für Studenten der Informatik und informatiknaher Studiengänge entwickelt haben. Das Ziel: den Blick der Studenten für die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung der Informatik zu weiten. Für dieses innovative Projekt erhält…

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Research Spotlight: A General Data Anonymity Measure

A long-standing problem both within research and in society generally is that of how to analyze data about people without risking the privacy of those people. There is an ever-growing amount of data about people: medical, financial, social, government, geo-location, etc. This data is very valuable in terms of better…

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Francis‘ group launches Open GDA Score Project

MPI-SWS Director Paul Francis and his group have launched the Open GDA Score Project at  This is an open project to develop a set of tools and databases to generate anonymity scores for any data anonymization technique. The GDA Score, which stands for General Data Anonymity Score, is the first data…

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MPI-SWS article published in the Proceedings of Academy of Sciences (PNAS)

The article "Enhancing Human Learning via spaced repetition optimization", coauthored by MPI-SWS and MPI-IS researchers, has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), a highly prestigious journal. The (open-access) article can be found here:

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