News Archive

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Saarbrücken Computer Science Teacher’s Prize awarded to Teacher from Baden-Württemberg

The Ursula Hill-Samelson Teacher’s prize goes to Leonore Dietrich from Bad Krozingen. The prize is awarded by the MNU – Verband zur Förderung des MINT-Unterrichts (Association for the Promotion of STEM Education) and funded by the Computer Science at Saarland University. The award, which is worth 2500 euros, is given to teachers from all over Germany who have made an outstanding contribution to the school subject of computer science. The award ceremony took place digitally during the 112th Federal Congress of the MNU.

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Prestigious Sci-Tech Oscar goes to three former computer science PhD students from Saarbrücken

The “Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences” not only awards actors and filmmakers with the distinction known as the “Oscar.” Oscars are also awarded for technical merit. This year, the basic research and technological development of the “Intel Embree Ray Tracing Library” will be honored with the Technical Achievement Award. Three award winners earned their doctorates under Philipp Slusallek at Saarland University. The university professor and DFKI researcher [...]

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Computer scientist Jörg Hoffmann receives international award for his contribution to AI research

Professor Jörg Hoffmann has been named a Fellow by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). The “Fellows Program” is aimed at researchers who have made significant and lasting contributions to the field of artificial intelligence. Hoffmann is now one of only five scientists working in Germany to have received this honor since 1990. In particular, his work on automatic planning was central to the award.

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Journalistenpreis Informatik in diesem Jahr erstmals digital verliehen

Die Preisverleihung wird am 29. Januar ab 18:00 Uhr live auf den Youtube- und den Facebook-Kanal des Saarland Informatics Campus übertragen. Der mit insgesamt 15.000 Euro dotierte Preis wird von der Staatskanzlei des Saarlandes in den Kategorien „Text“, „Audio“ und „Video und Multimedia“ ausgelobt. Er soll herausragende, qualitativ hochwertige Berichterstattung über Themen der Informatik fördern.

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