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Knowing how long a program needs to perform its calculations is of central importance for many applications. Only with this knowledge can one guarantee that time-critical systems in cars, airplanes or industrial plants react in time. The architecture of the computer on which software runs is very important for the runtime of programs and their analysis. In 2003, a team of computer scientists from Saarland University led by Professor Reinhard Wilhelm showed exactly how important this is – and [...]

The Centre for Higher Education (Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung CHE) today published its ranking for the master’s programs in computer science, mathematics and physics. Computer Science at Saarland University reaches the top group in several categories. The ranking is based on student evaluations. For the first time, a special survey was conducted to inquire about studying during the Corona pandemic. The results show that computer science master’s students at Saarland University are [...]

On November 23, 2021, Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster was accepted as a foreign member of the Czech Academy of Engineering Sciences (Cena Inženýrské akademie České republiky, EACR) in Prague, which has the German Academy of Engineering Sciences (acatech) as a partner. EACR also represents the Czech Republic in Euro-CASE, the European association of all academies of technology sciences.

Kurt Mehlhorn has officially been a “Saarland Ambassador” since November 2021. The founding director of the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science in Saarbrücken and professor of computer science at Saarland University had already been a Saarland Ambassador since 2020, and received his certificate of appointment at the annual meeting of Saarland Ambassadors in November 2021 from Saarland Minister President Tobias Hans and Prof. Michael Backes, founding director of the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security and spokesperson for Saarland Ambassadors.

On November 16, Günter Hotz, professor emeritus of applied mathematics and computer science, pioneer of computer science in Saarbrücken and honorary senator of Saarland University, will celebrate his 90th birthday. The jubilarian, who lives in St. Ingbert (Saarland), is considered one of the fathers of computer science in Germany. He was a member of the committee that gave the subject its name and drafted the first study regulations. He has been associated with Saarland University for almost six decades.
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