News Archive

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Kevin Baum is the new head of the CERTAIN Centre for European Research in Trusted Artificial Intelligence

Launched in September 2023, the Center for Trusted Artificial Intelligence aims to develop innovative technologies that provide guarantees for trustworthy and reliable AI systems. At the same time, it acts as a point of contact in the Greater Region for partners from industry, standardization bodies, and political and social interest groups. Kevin Baum took over the management of CERTAIN on December 1, 2023.

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Saarbrücken computer science presents new science podcast

How do image-generating artificial intelligences actually work? What are large language models? What does perspicuous computing mean? These and many other questions from the field of computer science research are addressed in the new science podcast “As I see IT” from the Saarland Informatics Campus (SIC). The podcast will be available on the popular platforms and at from November 30.

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Max Planck Institute for Informatics presents “Real Virtual Lab”, a new cutting-edge research facility

The vision has already been played out in many sci-fi series and novels: Instead of simple video calls, people talk to each other as digital avatars as if they were sitting in the same room, although, in reality, there are thousands of kilometers between them. For this kind of “telepresence” to be possible, the users need to have photorealistic digital images, which can be generated in real time with little computing effort. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken [...]

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