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Since the beginnings of informatics, computer scientists have also brought the art of deduction to computers, so that they can support humans in thinking and even prove statements that can be formulated mathematically. Hence, researchers delve into mathematical logic and develop formal systems, based on and evaluated by deductive principles. For their nearly 20-year-old research, three Saarbrücken computer scientists have now received the internationally renowned Thoralf Skolem Award.

Steffen Rochel will introduce Gluon, a flexible new interface that pairs MXNet’s speed with a user-friendly frontend. In the past, deep learning practitioners had to choose between ease of use and speed when choosing frameworks. On one side, there were symbolic frameworks like Theano and TensorFlow. These offer speed and memory efficiency but are harder to program, can be a pain to debug, and don’t allow for many native language features such as basic control flow. On the other side, there are [...]

Die 2. VDI-Konferenz „Humanoide Roboter“, die am 5. und 6. Dezember 2017 in Aschheim bei München stattfindet, beschäftigt sich mit dem Menschen nachempfundenen Robotern. Das Themenspektrum der Konferenz reicht dabei von Design und Gestaltung über die kognitive Planung bis hin zu Anwendungsbeispielen für menschenähnliche Systeme. Den Vorsitz der Konferenz übernimmt wie schon im vergangenen Jahr Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Frank Kirchner, Leiter des Robotics Innovation Centers am Deutschen Forschungszentrum [...]

“There are already six lectures on the topic of ‘machine learning’ at Saarland University. Therefore, it seemed logical to expand upon this focus and open it up to people unfamiliar with the field,” explains Matthias Hein, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Saarland University. Hein has already won several prizes for his machine learning research, such as the German Pattern Recognition Award in 2011 and an award from the European Research Council in 2012, and he is recognized [...]

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) wird die Arbeit in Steuerabteilungen revolutionieren. Zu diesem Schluss kommen das Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) und die internationale Steuerberatungsgesellschaft WTS bei ihrer gemeinsamen Studie, die konkrete Einsatzmöglichkeiten von KI-Technologien im Steuerbereich erforscht hat.