News Archive

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Saarbrücken Computer Science kicks off the 2024 summer semester

To kick off the upcoming semester, Saarbrücken Computer Science always organizes a welcome event at the beginning of the semester to greet new and returning students at the university. On this occasion, the student representatives of the computer science courses present their “Busy Beaver Award”, which honors lecturers who have shown particular commitment to teaching in the previous semester.

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Cheerful atmosphere at Saarbrücken computer science graduation ceremony

Obtaining a degree is a defining moment in life. To celebrate this special occasion, the Department of Computer Science at Saarland University once again held a graduation ceremony. Around 100 Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral graduates took part in the ceremony in the Günter Hotz lecture hall on the Saarbrücken university campus. A highlight of the event was the presentation of the Günter Hotz Medals and the Bachelor prizes for particularly excellent degrees.

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Excellence Strategy: Saarland University’s draft proposal on new approach to drug development clears first hurdle

At the beginning of February, the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Science and Humanities Council (WR) announced the names of those draft research proposals that have been selected to submit a full proposal under the Clusters of Excellence funding line. Saarland University’s outline proposal ‘nextAID³ – Next Generation of Al-Empowered Drug Discovery and Development’ was one of the submissions that successfully made it through the first round of the competitive funding programme.

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Vera Demberg admitted to the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz

Vera Demberg, Professor of Computer Science and Computational Linguistics at Saarland University, has been admitted to the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz. She is now a full member of the Class of Humanities and Social Sciences class, one of the academy’s three classes. In total, the Academy has admitted six new members in this round.

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