News Archive

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New DFKI research department headed by Prof. Verena Wolf

The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence is sharpening its research portfolio as of January 1, 2023: The new research department Neuro-mechanistic Modeling, headed by Dr. Verena Wolf, professor of computer science at Saarland University, has started its work at the Saarbrücken site.

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Algerian computer science student at Saarland University receives prize for social commitment

Hacane Hechehouche, a computer science student at Saarland University who is originally from Algeria, has won the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Award for Outstanding Achievement by Foreign Students 2022. The prize is endowed with 1000 euros and is awarded annually to international students of German universities for particularly good academic performance and extraordinary social or intercultural commitment.The award ceremony will take place on Friday, 13 January 2023, from 3 to 4 p.m. in the Welcome Centre of the University (Building A4 4).

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Saarbrücken computer science students among the best in international programming competition

It’s a mind sport that many people don’t know about, but which is easily comparable to well-known disciplines such as chess or Go in terms of excitement and complexity – competitive programming. It involves solving highly complicated algorithmic problems under time pressure. A team of computer science students from Saarland University has won a silver medal in a European competition and thus has the best chance of qualifying for the world championships. They were the best German team in the competition.

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Collaborative Research Center on Perspicuous Computing receives another double-digit million amount in funding

Modern software systems already control critical infrastructures, factories, self-driving cars and smart homes. The problem is that many of these systems have become so complex that no expert can understand if, how and why they work. Scientists at Saarland University, the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security and Dresden University of Technology are jointly researching mechanisms to make the behavior of complex software systems comprehensible [...]

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Saarbrücken computer science wants to convince professors Maggio and Valera to stay

In an old tradition of Saarbrücken Computer Science, students, faculty and staff of all partners of the Saarland Informatics Campus have organized a torchlight procession to honor the professors Martina Maggio and Isabel Valera. The aim is to convince the professors, both of whom have received calls to other universities, not to leave Saarland University. Despite cold weather and a drizzle around 90 participants came to the torchlight procession.

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