News Archive

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Automating attacks against the second largest cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are increasingly attracting millions of users, but also cybercriminals, as a successful attack means maximum profit with little risk. This also applies to “ether,” the most widely used cryptocurrency after Bitcoin. As a precautionary measure, researchers at the CISPA Helmholtz Center i.G. at Saarland University have developed a methodology for this cryptocurrency that not only finds security vulnerabilities, but also uses them to automatically develop attacks. [...]

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Who controls the internet?

The internet has developed over time and is able to function because of the interplay between various services that are, in turn, operated by a range of different institutions. Frequently, IT security does not play a significant role and, as shown by the latest attacks, we are now paying the price. Institutions are becoming both victims and perpetrators. Researchers at the CISPA Helmholtz Centre in Saarbrücken are consequently investigating the global security status of the internet using formal methods.

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New computer system recognizes a person’s personality by analyzing eye movements

People recognize gestures and interpret glances very quickly and almost automatically. Computers and robots cannot do this. That is why scientists around the world are working on ways to make human-computer collaboration more social, efficient and flexible. Computer scientists from Saarbrücken and Stuttgart have now reached an important milestone together with psychologists from Australia. The software system they developed processes a person’s eye movements to calculate whether they are vulnerable, sociable, tolerant, conscientious or curious.

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Artificial intelligence warns of photos that show more than desired

Every minute, users upload tens of thousands of images to the internet. In the case of online platform Facebook, this figure increases to over one hundred thousand. In doing so, users frequently reveal much more than intended. To prevent this, computer scientists at the CISPA Helmholtz Centre (i.G.), and the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science in Saarbrücken, have developed a digital assistant to help users. Using machine learning and neural networks, the researchers have given their “Visual [...]

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DFG funding ranking: Saar-Uni takes 36th place

In order to assess the quality of research, third-party funds received, in particular from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), are a readily chosen benchmark. Together with the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Humanities and Sciences in Germany), the DFG has now presented its current funding ranking. Saarland University is improving and has now climbed to 36th place. Considered in combination with the [...]

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