News Archive

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Computer scientists unlock new methods for the laser material processing industry

A novel approach from Saarbrücken, Germany, promises to overhaul a whole range of laser material processing techniques: Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics have developed an artificial intelligence-based method for this purpose that significantly speeds up some of the intermediate steps in production. There is an industry collaboration with TRUMPF. The high-tech company offers manufacturing solutions in the fields of machine tools and laser technology. On top of that, the team [...]

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International Mother Language Day: Why AI still prefers to speak English

Whether voice controls, chatbots, dictation or translation programs – many people now use software that can process natural language on a daily basis. Experience has shown that most of these applications work best in English. Why this is so, whether this will change in the future, and what prospects there are for less common (native) languages, is explained by Saarbrücken computational linguistics professor Dietrich Klakow on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day on February 21.

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Saarland University rises to second-best university for start-ups in Germany

The “Start-up Radar” of the “Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft” in Germany is the central indicator for start-up activities in the environment of universities and higher education institutions in Germany. Now the Stifterverband has published the current ranking for the year 2022. Saarland University, which has already been among the top ten start-up universities for decades, rises from eighth to second place in Germany.

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Improving AI: Computer scientists detect weaknesses in machine learning algorithms

Machine learning is the biggest revolution in computer science in decades. Thanks to learning algorithms, computers can perform sensational feats even on abstract tasks. But, like humans, computers make mistakes in the process – and understanding why a machine learning algorithm makes certain errors is one of the key challenges of modern computer science. This is where Michael Hedderich and Jonas Fischer come in with their research. They have developed software that can detect weaknesses in highly complex machine learning algorithms and thus help to correct them.

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Günter Hotz named honorary citizen of St. Ingbert

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Günter Hotz is the founder of Saarbrücken Computer Science and is considered one of the fathers of computer science in Germany. For more than three decades, he taught and conducted research as Professor of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at Saarland University. During this time, he set the course for important settlement projects on the university campus and in the Saarland and thus made a significant contribution to shaping structural change in the region. Because [...]

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