News Archive

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Open Day at Saarland University on 8 June

During the Open Day on Saturday, 8 June 2024, from 10 am – 4 pm, Saarland University will showcase its range of courses and numerous research topics to the general public. The partners at the Saarland Informatics Campus will also present the wide range of computer science topics in information events. Besides introductory talks on the degree programs, there will be info-booths and participation events from various institutions, such as the Computer Science Student Advisory Service, the student [...]

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Journalism Prize for Informatics awarded

The Saarland Ministry of Economic Affairs, in cooperation with the Saarland Informatics Campus, has again awarded the Journalism Prize for Informatics. This year for the first time, the German Informatics Society is a partner of the prize. A radio feature from Südwestrundfunk, an online video from the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, an article each from the business magazine “brand eins” and the magazine “MIT Technology Review” as well as a YouTube format on science journalism were honoured.

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CHE Ranking 2024: Saarbrücken Computer Science among the best in Germany in terms of courses offered

Computer science students at Saarland University are very satisfied – this is the result of the newly published 2024 ranking by the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE). In key categories such as the general study situation, support at the start of studies and library resources, Saarbrücken computer science is in the top group. In terms of the range of courses on offer, Saarland University’s computer science department even took second place among state universities in Germany.

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German human-computer interaction community meets in Saarbrücken

For several years now, the human-computer interaction (HCI) research community from Germany and a number of neighboring countries has been meeting in the run-up to the largest conference in their field, the “Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)”, for a friendly exchange. This year, the so-called “German Pre-CHI” is taking place in Saarbrücken. More than 170 participants from 30 universities and institutions from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands attended event at the Saarland Informatics Campus from April 25 to 26.

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Computer scientists at Saarland University develop customized learning software

Digitalization in schools is a much-discussed topic. The tenor: equipping students with tablets and laptops alone is not enough, meaningful applications are needed for the technical devices. This is what the “Technology-Enhanced Learning” research group led by computer science assistant-professor Tomohiro Nagashima at Saarland University is working on. Cooperating closely with teachers and students, the group develops customized applications that make learning effective and at the same time provide new insights for the science of human learning.

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