News Archive

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Cebit 2018: Saarbrücken start-up offers data analysis with scientific expertise

Digital data is considered the “new oil” in business and industry as it promises the same profits as the oil business. An entire industry is already based on “data science” and computational methods that promise even better analysis to outperform competitors and to find future business opportunities. So that the “new oil” does not turn out to be a false promise for customers, four renowned computer science experts of Saarland University are now founding the consulting [...]

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Cebit 2018: Molecular fitness test for amateur athletes

One third of Germans are wearing a fitness tracker on their arm, according to a survey by the industry association Bitkom. The Saarbrücken start-up “InFit” goes even further. By analyzing novel biomarkers in collaboration with researchers from the Center for Bioinformatics at Saarland University, they provide a molecular fitness test that only top athletes have enjoyed so far. The corresponding app not only shows the molecular results, but also suggests training plans. 1000 samples from [...]

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Cebit 2018: Computer scientists provide fifth dimension for videos

With its almost infinite depth of field, so-called light field photography has been fascinating amateur photographers since commercial cameras have been on the market. It offers the possibility to change the focus range of the selected image section after it is taken, and to produce three-dimensional images. For video, light field photography is used only sporadically so far, in part because the necessary camera systems exist only at a handful of institutions. For a few days, Saarland University [...]

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Cebit 2018: Saarbrücken Start-up Combines Tinkering and Programming for Elementary School Kids

More than 725,000 German children started school in the past year. It is already obvious that they will need computer science skills to prevail in the professional world and in everyday life later on. Experts are therefore calling for children to be introduced to algorithms and programming languages early on. The available tools are usually rather expensive, however, and do not necessarily satisfy the children’s play instincts. The start-up Fold-IO uses a combination of inexpensive craft paper [...]

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Cebit 2018: Legal Informatics Experts From Saarbrücken Develop Secure Data Spaces for Lawyers and SMEs

The exchange of information between lawyers and clients is protected by law. Whenever unencrypted e-mails are sent, however, this protection is undermined. And even with encryption in place, it is still possible to draw conclusions about who is communicating with whom, which should also be confidential, of course. Christoph Sorge, juris Endowed Professor for Legal Informatics at the Saarland University, has been examining the matter. His team recently developed a web-based software system that protects [...]

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