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![wolfgang_wahlster Image of press release](
On November 23, 2021, Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster was accepted as a foreign member of the Czech Academy of Engineering Sciences (Cena Inženýrské akademie České republiky, EACR) in Prague, which has the German Academy of Engineering Sciences (acatech) as a partner. EACR also represents the Czech Republic in Euro-CASE, the European association of all academies of technology sciences.
![mehlhorn_saarlandbotschafter Image of press release](
Kurt Mehlhorn has officially been a “Saarland Ambassador” since November 2021. The founding director of the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science in Saarbrücken and professor of computer science at Saarland University had already been a Saarland Ambassador since 2020, and received his certificate of appointment at the annual meeting of Saarland Ambassadors in November 2021 from Saarland Minister President Tobias Hans and Prof. Michael Backes, founding director of the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security and spokesperson for Saarland Ambassadors.
![50_Jahre_Informatik_24182_PM Image of press release](
On November 16, Günter Hotz, professor emeritus of applied mathematics and computer science, pioneer of computer science in Saarbrücken and honorary senator of Saarland University, will celebrate his 90th birthday. The jubilarian, who lives in St. Ingbert (Saarland), is considered one of the fathers of computer science in Germany. He was a member of the committee that gave the subject its name and drafted the first study regulations. He has been associated with Saarland University for almost six decades.
![DSCF1393 -edit Image of press release](
How do industrial control systems react to disturbances? To analyze the reaction to a particular type of disturbance, caused by computational errors, Saarbrücken computer science professor Martina Maggio, in collaboration with researchers from Lund University in Sweden, has developed a new approach which outperforms previous testing methods. Their new approach can reveal that a control system may not be as robust as it was assumed to be, based on previous benchmarks. For their work, the research [...]
![Saarland Informatics Campus Image of press release](
Knowledge and skills in the field of computer science and digital media are among the key qualifications in the digitalized world – making them increasingly important for children and young people. For the 2023/24 school year, the Ministry of Education and Culture (MBK) is therefore planning to introduce the mandatory subject of computer science for all students starting in grade 7 at community schools and high schools. An expert forum is to develop guidelines for the concrete design of the [...]
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