News Archive

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DEF CON 2019: Cybersecurity experts from Saarland University compete against the best of the best in the USA

IT security contests called “Capture the Flag” (CTF) are considered hacker contests, but for students this kind of competition is a practical exercise that beats any lecture on IT security in terms of learning enjoyment. Since 2014, the “saarsec” group, which also is made up of cybersecurity students from Saarland University, has taken part in such competitions. Now they will also be able to take part in the renowned CTF competition of the IT security conference “DEF CON”, which starts August 8th in Las Vegas, USA.

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Detective work in cyberspace: Exhibition ship “MS Wissenschaft” shows Saarbrücken research project

With a participatory exhibition on artificial intelligence, “MS Wissenschaft” is touring 27 cities in Germany. From July 31 to August 4, the exhibition ship will anchor in Saarbrücken near the Congresshalle. Among others, an exhibit from the Saarland Informatics Campus is on board. It shows how artificial intelligence can support detective work in cyberspace. The interactive exhibition is open daily from 10 am to 7 pm. Admission is free. The Filmhaus-Kino will also be showing the documentary film “Pre-Crime”.

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Apply for the Journalist Award for Computer Science by 15 September

While the social network Facebook is working on introducing its own money currency, the scientific journal Nature reports that an artificial intelligence can now compete with several poker players. Last week’s headlines show how IT applications permeate everyday life. This is why the Saarland State Chancellery and the Competence Center Computer Science Saarland are awarding journalistic, German-language articles in the three categories “Text”, “Audio” and “Video [...]

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Blood samples from the zoo help predict diseases in humans

Penguins, Asian elephants and many other animal species live in the zoos of Saarbrücken and Neunkirchen. As they come from different continents, blood is regularly taken from the animals to check their health. These blood samples have now been used by bioinformaticians and human geneticists at Saarland University to search for biomarkers with which diseases can be detected at an early stage. The researchers want to use similar genetic patterns, which have been present in the blood of humans and animals for thousands of years, to improve computer-assisted disease prognosis.

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Among the finalists: Saarbrücken students secure the assembly of airplanes with artificial intelligence

They are the only German team among the seven finalists Airbus has selected to “shape the future of aviation”: Three young researchers from Saarland University want to make aircraft production safer and lighter. They have developed a system that uses artificial intelligence during assembly to ensure that the rivets, i.e. metal pins connecting the aircraft components, are absolutely secure. With their idea they prevailed against 269 teams of 284 universities from 72 countries. The final [...]

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