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Designs selected for MPI-SWS buildings

A jury chaired by renowned architect Prof. Gunther Henn evaluates fifteen drafts submitted as part of an architecture competition for the design of the institute’s new buildings in Kaiserlautern and Saarbruecken. First prize is awarded to a design by the firm of Weinbrenner and Single in Nuertingen. The designs reflect a common architectural concept that fosters communication and cooperation, while each building has a distinct appearance that respects its situation within the campus of the [...]

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Krishna Gummadi joins MPI-SWS faculty

Krishna Gummadi, Ph.D., accepts a position on the faculty of the MPI for Software Systems as an independent researcher. This position is comparable to a tenure-track Assitant Professor [...]

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MPI-SWS and MPI-INF form joint administration

The MPIs for Software Systems in Kaiserslautern and Saarbruecken and the MPI for Informatics in Saarbruecken agree to form a joint administrative unit, headed by Volker Geiss with staff in both the Kasierslautern and the Saarbruecken locations. Volker currently heads the administrative unit of the MPI for Informatics.

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Peter Druschel becomes MPI-SWS founding director

Prof. Peter Druschel, Ph.D., accepts the position of Founding Director of the MPI for Software Systems. Peter comes from Rice University in Houston, TX, where he has spent eleven years as Assistant Professor (1994-2000), Associate Professor (2000-2002) and Full Professor (2002-) of Computer Science. Peter also spent time teaching and researching at the University of Paris VI, at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, UK, and at the Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston. He holds a Dipl.-Ing. [...]

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