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Umut Acar joins the institute’s faculty, starting in January 2010. Umut’s research interests are in language and algorithm design and implementation, particularly for dynamic systems that interact with changing data from various sources, such as users and the physical environment.
In the spring of 2009, MPI-SWS graduated its first four PhD students—Andreas Haeberlen, Alan Mislove, Animesh Nandi, and Atul Singh. All four students have landed competitive academic or research positions in a very tight job market.
MPI-SWS fellow Michael Backes has been honored as a recipient of the ERC Starting Grant 2009. Michael was also recently selected by the editors of Technology Review as one of the 35 young innovators under the age of 35 whose work they found most exciting.
Congratulations to Meeyoung Cha, Juan Antonio Navarro Perez, and Hamed Haddadi. Their paper „Flash Floods and Ripples: The Spread of Media Content through the Blogosphere“ was selected as the ICWSM’09 best paper using the Spinn3r dataset. The winning paper was selected out of all papers in the main conference and the data challenge workshop that used the 2009 Spinn3r blog dataset.
Architekten und Landschaftsplaner arbeiten heute nur noch selten am klassischen Zeichenbrett. Vor allem bei Renovierungen erfassen sie zunächst die bestehende Bausubstanz mit einem 3D Scanner und verändern diese dann am Computer. Was bei der Planung kleiner Objekte noch problemlos funktioniert, kann bei größeren Projekten schnell scheitern. Die mit dem Scanner erfassten Daten sind dann so groß, dass sie von gängigen Computern nicht mehr dargestellt oder bearbeitet werden können. Der Architekt [...]
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