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Otto Hahn Medal awarded to two MPI-SWS students

Ralf Jung and Bilal Zafar have each been awarded a 2021 Otto Hahn Medal for outstanding scientific achievement. The Max Planck Society awards the Otto Hahn Medal annually to young scientists in recognition of outstanding scientific achievement. Ralf was awarded the medal for his work on the first formal foundations for the cutting-edge systems programming language Rust, while Bilal was awarded the medal for his work on developing responsible and trustworthy AI systems that can help reduce discrimination [...]

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MPI-SWS researchers receive multiple awards at ETAPS

MPI-SWS researchers Rupak Majumdar, Ramanathan S. Thinniyam, and Georg Zetzsche have received the EAPLS Best Paper Award for their TACAS 2021 paper: General Decidability Results for Asynchronous Shared-Memory Programs: Higher-Order and Beyond. In addition, a TACAS 2021 paper by Rosa Abbasi and Eva Darulova (along with their collaborators  Jonas Schiffl, Mattias Ulbrich, and Wolfgang Ahrendt) was one of only a handful of papers nominated for the EAPLS Best Paper Award: Deductive Verification [...]

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Girls‘ Day 2021

MPI-SWS participated jointly with the MPI for Informatics in the annual Girls‘ Day event on April 22, 2021. Our interactive digital program included  programming robots and integrating machine learning models into dialog systems, as well as answering questions about computer science and the work as a computer scientist.

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EU-Millionenförderung soll grundlegende Probleme im Zusammenspiel von Hard- und Software lösen helfen

Viele sicherheitskritische Bereiche unseres Lebens werden heute von Computersystemen gesteuert: von der Airbag-Zündung im Auto, über die Landeklappen an Flugzeugen bis hin zur grundlegenden Infrastruktur wie der Energieversorgung und dem Mobilfunk. Aber sind diese Systeme vertrauenswürdig? Informatik-Professor Jan Reineke von der Universität des Saarlandes verneint – denn ein entscheidender Baustein heutiger Computersysteme mache die Entwicklung sicherer IT-Anwendungen grundsätzlich unmöglich. [...]

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