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Campus-Messe bringt am 11. Mai Studenten und Unternehmen zusammen

„Work is fun“: Das Motto der neuen Messe der Saar-Uni ist Programm. Am 11. Mai will die Campus-Messe „next“ Studenten und junge Wissenschaftler aller Fächer mit Unternehmen zusammenbringen, ihnen Spielraum bieten, sich kennen zu lernen und ins Gespräch zu kommen. Von 10 bis 15 Uhr können Studenten, Absolventen und Doktoranden auf dem Saarbrücker Campus mit Firmen aller Branchen Kontakte knüpfen. Regionale, internationale Unternehmen und junge Start-Ups stellen sich vor. Es gibt Vorträge, [...]

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MPI-SWS researchers receive RTAS 2017 Outstanding Paper award

Mitra Nasri and Björn Brandenburg have won an Outstanding Paper award at the 23rd IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2017) for their paper entitled „Offline Equivalence: A Non-Preemptive Scheduling Technique for Resource-Constrained Embedded Real-Time Systems“.

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Real-Time Systems group wins 3 best-paper awards in a row

The MPI-SWS Real-Time Systems group, led by Björn Brandenburg, has won the best paper award at ECRTS’16, the best paper award at RTSS’16, and the best paper award at RTAS’17. These are the three main conferences in real-time systems.  This is the first time a group has won best paper awards in all three consecutive top real-time systems conferences. Congratulations to Björn and the postdocs and students in the real-time systems group!

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Real-Time Systems group receives 3 best-paper awards in a row

The MPI-SWS Real-Time Systems group, led by Björn Brandenburg, has won the best paper award at ECRTS’16, the best paper award at RTSS’16, and the best paper award at RTAS’17. These are the three main conferences in real-time systems.  This is the first time a group has won best paper awards in all three consecutive top real-time systems conferences. Congratulations to Björn and the postdocs and students in the real-time systems group!

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