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MPI-SWS faculty member Krishna Gummadi and MPI-SWS alumnus Alan Mislove have been awarded a „Secure the Internet“ grant by Facebook. Their proposal, “Towards privacy-protecting aggregate statistics in PII-based targeted advertising,” has been awarded $60,000 to develop techniques for revealing advertising statistics that provide hard guarantees of user privacy, based on a (principles-first) approach. Their goal is to develop a differential privacy-like approach that can be applied to existing advertising systems.
MPI-SWS faculty member Jonathan Mace has received an honorable mention for the Dennis M. Ritchie Doctoral Dissertation [...]
Maria Christakis and Eva Darulova are teaching Program Analysis at TU Kaiserslautern and Saarland University. This class is co-taught with Jan Reinecke from Saarland University and covers both [...]
Traditionell vergibt die Fachschaft am Anfang jedes Semesters die so genannten Busy Beaver Awards. Diese Preise erhalten Dozenten für herausragende Lehre im [...]
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