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The Academia Europaea, the Pan-European Academy of Humanities, Letters and Sciences based in London, has inducted CISPA-Faculty Professor Dr. Andreas Zeller as a member. Membership in the Academia Europaea is by invitation only and it requires sustained academic excellence with international impact. Andreas Zeller receives this honor for his influential research in the field of software testing and analysis. The Academia Europaea currently counts 374 computer scientists among its members, 46 of whom are from Germany.
Werden mit KI erzeugte Fake-Videos die US-Präsidentenwahl beeinflussen? Wie können Algorithmen helfen, einen solchen Schwindel rasch zu enttarnen? Um bei der rasanten Entwicklung neuer Technologien noch durchzublicken, ist fundierter Journalismus gefragt. Die Medien sollten der breiten Öffentlichkeit vermitteln, welch enorme gesellschaftliche Relevanz in vielen Themen der Informatik steckt. Die besten Beiträge aus dem Jahr 2024 werden daher mit dem Journalismuspreis Informatik geehrt
Arata Jingu, a PhD student in Professor Jürgen Steimle’s Human-Computer Interaction Lab at Saarland University, has been awarded a Google PhD Fellowship. These prestigious fellowships are awarded annually to researchers worldwide who are making outstanding and innovative contributions to computer science and related disciplines.
So-called ‘discrete dynamical systems’ form the basis for key computational challenges in a variety of fields, from program analysis and computer-aided verification to artificial intelligence and theoretical biology. Creating algorithmic solutions to make these systems amenable to automated verification techniques remains a major challenge. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems in Saarbrücken and the French ‘Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique’ are now working [...]
Deep learning is an AI technology that has significantly shaped the last decade, whether it’s recognizing medical conditions, creative applications for text or image generation, or autonomous driving. However, despite much progress, machine learning’s successes, especially in autonomous driving, have fallen short of expectations. Accenture and DFKI’s joint white paper, “Responsible AI in the Automotive Industry – Techniques and Use Cases,” is dedicated to finding the reasons and proposing new technological approaches.