News Archive

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Computer scientist makes virtual worlds graspable

A walk in the woods: one can feel soft moss under one’s feet, notice twigs and branches breaking when stepped upon, feel the gnarled bark of a tree. Sensations such as these are perceived through the sense of touch and have thus so far been denied to digital worlds. Paul Strohmeier, a computer scientist at Saarland University, has now developed a new method to artificially generate such haptic sensations. This makes virtual and augmented reality graspable in the truest sense of the word. For his [...]

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Computer scientist Reinhard Wilhelm receives international award for life-long research achievements

Real-time systems: they control processes where it is important that a program runs within a certain time window – for example in airbags, anti-lock braking systems or aircraft control systems. If calculations here were too slow by only fractions of a second, lives would be at stake. Reinhard Wilhelm, Professor of Computer Science at Saarland University, has spent many years developing automatic methods for runtime analysis in real-time systems. Thanks to his work, the correct functioning of [...]

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A different start to the semester – Saarbrücken computer science students begin their studies digitally

Never before has there been anything like this in the history of computer science in Saarbrücken: a completely digital start to the semester. Due to the corona pandemic, the traditional computer science welcome event at the beginning of the semester could not be celebrated together at the university for the first time since 1969. Nonetheless, the launch of the first digital summer semester was a success.

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Founding against Corona: IT Inkubator GmbH awards best idea with 10,000 euros

More than 42,000 people have taken part in a programming competition to combat the corona virus. Now the IT incubator of Saarland University and Max Planck Society is also counting on software and the creativity and determination of the people behind it. It is launching the “Ideas against Corona” competition and awarding the best IT solution with 10,000 euros. Even the losers win: Even their ideas are assessed by the Saarbrücken IT Incubator and thus have the chance to be supported as well.

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