News Archive

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A great honor: Professor Michael Backes is now an IEEE Fellow

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a worldwide professional association of engineers, has appointed Professor Michael Backes, Scientific Director of the Helmholtz Centre for Information Security (CISPA) in Saarbrücken, Germany, as an IEEE Fellow.

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Master’s students at Saarland University give the subjects of mathematics and computer science top grades

According to the CHE ranking of master’s degree programs published today, Saarland University is the leader in both subjects. The ranking is based on the evaluations of the local students. The Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE) assesses these and divides the results into more than 20 criteria in order to enable students in particular to make a nationwide comparison when searching for a suitable degree program. Indicators such as number of students and international orientation are [...]

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New Collaborative Research Center: Software systems should explain their own behavior

Even experts have less and less of an understanding of the behavior of complex software systems nowadays. Meanwhile, these systems are increasingly involved in our daily lives, whether as intelligent home automation, in autonomous vehicles or in industrial production. Scientists from Saarland University, two Max Planck Institutes and the Dresden University of Technology now want to develop mechanisms in a new Collaborative Research Center to better communicate the behavior of complex software systems [...]

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Jilles Vreeken wins prestigious junior research award for data mining

Jilles Vreeken, leading the group “Exploratory Data Analysis” at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, was awarded the Tao Li Prize in Singapore at the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). The Tao Li Prize was established in December 2017. The award is named after Professor Tao Li of Florida International University, who passed away in December 2017 and, despite his young age, was considered an outstanding teacher and ingenious researcher in information [...]

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State Chancellery receives computer scientists from Saarland University

Last week the State Chancellery of Saarland invited nine computer scientists to a reception in order to thank them for their commitment to the competition “Landmarks in the Land of Ideas”. Three Saarbrücken computer science projects in the areas of dependable systems, bioinformatics and cybersecurity were able to prevail among almost 1500 applications. Thus, the Saarland Informatics Campus received the title “Excellent Place in the Land of Ideas” three times this year.

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