News Archiv
Im Pokémon-Fieber haben Schüler schnell gelernt, wie man virtuelle Monster in der realen Welt jagen kann. Bildungswissenschaftler und Informatiker überlegen nun, wie man diese Technologie der „Augmented Reality“ sinnvoll im Schulunterricht einsetzen kann. Am Beispiel von Physik-Experimenten wollen sie untersuchen, ob Schüler die Wirklichkeit durch virtuelle Erweiterungen besser verstehen lernen. An dem Verbundprojekt sind Forscher der Universität des Saarlandes, der Technischen Universität [...]
MPI-SWS faculty member Krishna Gummadi and MPI-SWS alumnus Alan Mislove have been awarded a „Secure the Internet“ grant by Facebook. Their proposal, “Towards privacy-protecting aggregate statistics in PII-based targeted advertising,” has been awarded $60,000 to develop techniques for revealing advertising statistics that provide hard guarantees of user privacy, based on a (principles-first) approach. Their goal is to develop a differential privacy-like approach that can be applied to existing advertising systems.
MPI-SWS faculty member Jonathan Mace has received an honorable mention for the Dennis M. Ritchie Doctoral Dissertation [...]
Maria Christakis and Eva Darulova are teaching Program Analysis at TU Kaiserslautern and Saarland University. This class is co-taught with Jan Reinecke from Saarland University and covers both [...]
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