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MPI-SWS student receives Google Scholarship

MPI-SWS PhD student Juhi Kulshrestha was awarded a Google Anita Borg Scholarship. She joins Ezgi Cicek, who received an Anita Borg Scholarship in 2012. Juhi previously received a 2011 Google Fellowship for her work in social networking.

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EpiExplorer and RnBeads: Integrative Analysis of Epigenomic Data

The packing of the DNA in a cell’s nucleus determines if and to what degree genes encoded in the DNA can be translated and regulated. Software tools developed at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics facilitate the analysis and interpretation of this epigenetic information.

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Derek Dreyer wins funding from Microsoft Research

A research project proposed by MPI-SWS faculty member Derek Dreyer has been selected for a 2013 Microsoft Research PhD Scholarship. The project is entitled „Compositional Verification of Scalable Joins by Protocol-Based Refinement“. Each year Microsoft selects approximately twenty projects to fund, based on proposals from research institutions across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. The Scholarship funds a PhD student for three years.

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Neue Tastatur für Touchscreens Informatiker entwerfen neues Tastaturlayout auf Touchscreen-Geräten

Ein neues Tastaturlayout für Geräte mit berührungsempfindlichen Bildschirmen hat ein Team um Antti Oulasvirta vom Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik in Saarbrücken entworfen. Die neue Anordnung der Tasten beschleunigt die Zwei-Daumen-Eingabe deutlich. Mithilfe von Computeroptimierung und eines Modells von Daumenbewegungen untersuchten die Forscher Millionen von möglichen Layouts, um das mit den besten Eigenschaften zu finden. Eine Untersuchung bestätigte, dass nach kurzer Gewöhnungsphase [...]

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