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Ruzica Piskac, an MPI-SWS faculty member, has been awarded the 2012 Patrick Denantes Prize for her dissertation titled „Decision Procedures for Program Synthesis and Verification.“ The prize is awarded annually to the most outstanding master’s, doctoral or post-doctoral research project within the school of computer and communication sciences at EPFL.

Krebserkrankungen sind schwer zu behandeln, weil sich Tumore in jedem Patienten anders verhalten und im Laufe der Zeit verändern. Mehr Erfolg ist daher von Therapien zu erwarten, bei denen mehrere Medikamente miteinander kombiniert werden. Dafür müssen die molekularen Besonderheiten des jeweiligen Tumors bestimmt werden. Diesen Ansatz verfolgt Thomas Lengauer, Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, seit langem erfolgreich für die HIV-Therapie. Gemeinsam mit seinem früheren Mitarbeiter [...]

Krishna Gummadi and Farshad Kooti, along with Winter Mason and previous MPI-SWS postdoctoral fellow Meeyoung Cha, have received a best paper award at ICWSM 2012, for their paper „The Emergence of Conventions in Online Social Networks.“

MPI-SWS faculty Rupak Majumdar, along with his coauthors, has received two best paper awards: the EAPLS 2012 best paper award and the 2012 ACM [...]

Fourth-year PhD student Georg Neis won a 2012 Google PhD Fellowship for his work in Programming Technology. First-year PhD student Ezgi Cicek was awarded an Anita Borg Scholarship. They join MPI-SWS PhD student Juhi Kulshrestha, who received a 2011 Google Fellowship for her work in social networking.
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